• Member Since 22nd Feb, 2012


Not much to say really, I write stories for the Brony Nation and the Pegasister Alliance that's all I do really.

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For the past year, or so, Rainbow Dash has not been living comfortably in her own home. Her father walked out on her, and her mother has become a heavy drinker. All of that alcohol intake has caused Rainbow Dash's mother to be physically and verbally violent towards her daughter. The athletic Canterlot Highschool student has yet to tell a soul on what is going on at home. This is her struggle.

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Audio Reading by Goombasa:

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Equestria's Warriors: A whole new World

Following the events of A Whole New World, King Ebon now inhabiting the body of Felix Fox has returned to Equestria to exact revenge on the elements of harmony, and their allies. With the dark King aiming to conquer the land and with the serpentine tribes at his side, the warriors of New York must return to that magical land and protect it with their pony friends just like they did before.

Chapters (19)

This story is a sequel to A Generous Soul

Many things happened the night of the Fall Formal that surprised Sunset Shimmer. Becoming a demon, gaining friends, and becoming hated by everyone else (well, most things surprised her). The one thing she absolutely couldn't have seen coming was finding a girlfriend.

Rarity has been the best thing to happen to her in a long time. Rarity is always there when Sunset needs her. So when their friends start a band, sirens enact their sinister plans, a princess returns, with all of it culminating in a massive magical battle for the fate of the world, it's good that Sunset has Rarity.

After all, with all the stress and insanity it helps to have someone you love.

Featured on 6/7/15 for a few hours :pinkiehappy:

Cover art by Deadiifoozgo

Chapters (4)

After the Fall Formal things don't go so well with Sunset Shimmer she slowly spirals downward before hitting rock bottom, moments away from doing something she will regret when, to her, the least likely of people come to her rescue.

Takes place after the first Equestria Girls movie.

Oh wow! My very first featured story on 3/12/2015! Thank you all so much!

Chapters (23)

For the longest time, I'd considered the word "universe" to be accurate when describing mankind's plane of existence. While I was under no delusions about us being the only sentient race in the cosmos, I, like many others, believed that the way our universe worked and the way physics behaved were the only way things could be done; after all, we had never experienced anything else, and everything we knew about the way our universe worked and the laws of reality revolved around our specific set of physical laws.

Unfortunately (or fortunately, as the case may be), we were very wrong about our choice of how to name our reality: "universe" was largely inaccurate, since there appeared to be more than one...and both forces and creatures considered to be of myth and legend existed in another plane of existence, too far away to ever touch until now.

Rated T for adult language, use of alcohol, and implied sexual situations and mild sexual descriptions.

A/N: Obviously, I do not own the image used. Source can be reached by clicking on the button in the bottom right corner.

Chapters (10)

A new Age has begun, and so have the adventures of Korra and the Mane Six.

After saving both the human, spirit and pony worlds, Korra has gained her wings and transformed into the very first human alicorn Princess! However, just because she has a crown now, that doesn't mean her job will be any easier. Magic and spiritual energies now flow across the human world, creating enormous spirit vines, granting ponies bending and anthro forms, and airbenders popping out all over the Earth Kingdom. But while Korra has her hands full, Twilight Sparkle is unsure about her role as princess in Equestria or if Korra really needs her now.

When the group heads out to find more airbenders and re-establish the air nation, they soon realize that three criminals from Korra's past are on the hunt for her. Questions circulate their motives as well as the mystery of the Harmony Chest, which has yet to be open, as well as a blossoming possible romance between Bolin and Asami. But will the new girl Opal get in the way of that? Will Korra manage to defeat these new criminals, or will they prove to be her most difficult and most terrifying foes yet? Or will another foe prove to be her toughest?

Get ready for yet another epic Pony-Fied retelling of a Legend filled with music, fun and adventure!

Chapters (20)

After the events of Rainbow Rocks, Sonata Dusk find herself in a sticky situation, she doesn't have money so she gets a job at Sugarcube Corner and finds herself entangled in the life of the one girl who helped stop the Dazzling's plans.

Thank you to megatronspen ( http://www.fimfiction.net/user/MegatronsPen ) who was a big help

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to The Party Adoption

Matt11 gave me permission to go off of his story, thanks a bunch man...Its been about 8 months since the incident with Diamond Tiara, But Scootaloo isn't worried she's having the time of her life with her new family... but little does She know she's being tracked down by a mare no ponys seen in over twelve years. A mare that could change Scootaloo's life for ever. But change it for better or for worse

Chapters (2)

It has been weeks since the defeat of the Dazzlings, and Sunset Shimmer's friendships have only gotten stronger. Whilst finally relaxing in the times of peace, Sunset discovers an old enemy: Sonata Dusk. Strangely alone and apparently homeless, Sonata's luck seems to be at its all time low.
Seeing a little of herself in the former siren, Sunset embarks on a mission to help Sonata find friendship.

(For anyone who liked the old cover art, here's a side-by-side comparison of the old and new: http://daniel-gleebits.deviantart.com/art/Go-Compare-Twiddles-moustache-581352606 )

TV Tropes page: Feel free to add whatever tropes you find :raritywink:

Chapters (31)

After getting dumped by Adagio and Aria, Sonata has to decide what to do with herself. It's only when she makes her decision that things go wrong and now she won't have that chance, or will she?

Chapters (18)