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  • Featured 24784 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 250 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Rainbow Dash is widely known for her propensity for pranks. While seeing an unsuspecting Anonymous the human in the outskirts of Ponyville, Rainbow decides to hit him with classic from her arsenal, the ol' lightning stomp prank. It's simply really, she's played it on tons of ponies before.

Rainbow didn't think Anon would get hurt. She didn't think he'd become paralyzed. It was supposed to be a harmless prank!

'What have I done?!

Officially Featured March 1st 2023

Chapters (17)

Twilight Sparkle never seemed to notice Lyra Heartstrings. She didn't even remember Lyra's name.

They were friends back in Canterlot and even went to school together. Yet Twilight didn't notice that Lyra just happened to move to Ponyville the same day she did. She didn't even notice when Lyra appeared at her welcoming party. Nor did she ever seem to spot her old classmate passing by in the background on any other day during her stay in Ponyville. Some days she could look right at Lyra and never realize that they knew each other.

Lyra isn't a very noticeable pony. She has put a lot of effort into that.

Set in late season 5, after Amending Fences.
Note: Lots of spoilers in the comments.

Chapters (1)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders find their teacher, Cheerilee, dead in the classroom. Not wanting to be arrested for suspicion of murder, the Cutie Mark Crusaders decide to teach the class using their teacher’s body to make it look like she’s still alive. Unfortunately, the Cutie Mark Crusaders end up in many misadventures as they have to drag their teacher’s body to various places.

Rated PG-13 for rude humor.

Chapters (6)

After humiliation, exile, and reformation. Sunset Shimmer has grown a lot as a person, but no matter how much you grow as a person, you never stop being you. Just ask one of her yourself.

A Sunset Shimmer and Sunset Shimmer one shot. Takes place a few years after the films and specials.
Featured 1/26/23, 1/27/23, and, 1/28/23 thanks for reading! Please look at my other work!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Gordon Ramsay Savagely Critiques a Cupcake

After Gordon Ramsay savagely roasted Pinkie Pie, he ruined her. Now, she wants revenge. And she plans to get it in one way and one way only.

By beating his savage Scottish ass.

Still rated T because Gordon.

Featured 8/29/2021!! (Cue "Back to Back" by Drake)

Now with a reading by The Mystery Fluttershy Fan!

Chapters (1)

Rarity is a busy mare, but such is the life of an up-and-coming young fashionista like her. Between designing her newest gowns, overseeing multiple shops in multiple cities, all while managing to maintain her social life, she hardly has time for anything else. There are some things, however, some ponies, that she will always have time for, such as that little red-headed filly gazing through her window of her boutique.

Featured 12/3/22 - 12/10/22

Chapters (1)

Twilight the dragon has never really felt at home in the Dragon Lands. Unlike most dragons, she values intelligence, and is seen as a pariah for it. But things change when she comes across a purple pony named Spike, who has come to the dragon lands on a "Friendship Mission."
But he must be in the wrong place. After all, dragons don't do friendship.

Written for the Choices Species Change Contest, November 2022

(OMG, This story was featured! I'm so honoured and humbled!)

Chapters (2)

During Twilight Sparkle's first sleepover after the friendship games, she asks a question that opens an old wound.

Chapters (1)

The very much unauthorized re-write of Jonny Bench's story called The Crippling Secret. I thought it would be fun to re-write it, but Jonny himself hasn't been on since half a year ago, so- :unsuresweetie:

I did some reverse-image-searching, and I think the cover image comes from sjui00. Hopefully they don't mind my use.

Story was released 10/22/22, but I really, really rushed writing it. Usually, my stories take about five drafts before I'm happy with it. This one, I only did two then published it. On 10/24/22, I re-edited the story to flow better.

Chapters (1)

Sunset thinks and decides a few things after the fall out of Anon-a-Miss and then her life after that

Chapters (4)