• Member Since 25th May, 2017


WELCOME WELCOME EVERYONE! My name is ForNeverMore and this is my humble abode! (I am more comfortable that you all call me Nevermore.)

What In The Fuck 3 stories
Found 2 stories in 29ms
Total Words: 5,378
Estimated Reading: 21 minutes



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Oh my god, really?! Haven't we all had enough of this? I mean, just look at Sunset! The poor horsewoman can hardly take it anymore!

You know what, screw it. Just read it, you know how the story goes.

Or DO you?

...you probably do.

100th Story Special!

Featured 6/25/2022!

Inspired in part by shortskirtsandexplosion's story "Ma'am, This Is a Wendy's...?"

Which taught me not to hold back when I'm trying to be funny.

Here's a list of all my stories for easy access!

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna and Princess Celestia rule Equestria ; Luna brings the night and Celestia the day. But what if Celestia turned Daybreaker and was banished, instead of Luna?

Art by TomoCreations

Chapters (3)