• Member Since 21st Aug, 2021


Just a guy who likes crossover fanfics!

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This story is a sequel to Cinematic Adventures: Batman Begins

The Mane Six and Spike are off another whirlwind adventure into the Multiverse. This time, they find themselves in a bizarre kingdom filled with fairytale creatures. It is here they meet a foul tempered ogre named Shrek and a loud mouth Donkey. They must accompany them on a mission to retrieve a princess from a tower guarded by a dragon. Along the way, there will be much drama, romance, and a whole lot of funny shenanigans.

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Cinematic Adventures: Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

The Mane Six and Spike are off on another adventure into the Multiverse, but they’re not going at it alone. This time, they’ll be accompanied by Spike’s girlfriend, Gabby and the bad girl griffon, Gilda. Together, they’ll all are transported back to the Pleistocene Era, better know as the Ice Age.

It is here they meet a grumpy mammoth named Manny, a fun loving yet idiotic sloth named Sid, and a scheming saber tooth tiger named Diego. The group must join forces with these new friends to help return a human baby to his tribe.

Also little Scrat tries in vain to protect his acorn

Chapters (11)

Spike had recently defeated Sombra and saved Equestria, Twilight had been busy with being the Princess of friendship and the other main 6 were busy with their roles in life, and feels a little depressed on it
Spike wishes to know what his destiny on a star one night and he falls asleep, unknownst to him destiny has much bigger things for him, he wakes up in front of an old turtle called Oogway and learns that he was brought here apparently by the Universe much to Spike's confusion,

Oogway tells him he is destined for something great and he is willing to teach Spike the art of Kung Fu and fulfill that roll, Spike accepts this and agrees to become a student, Oogway sends a message to Celestia about his destiny and she agrees to let him learn and decides to keep to tell the others at one point. From there Spike makes new friends and becomes what he was meant to be...The Dragon Master.

Chapters (43)

It has been a few months since the defeat of the evil Storm King. However, panic sets in as Tempest has visions of the evil tyrant conquering Equestria, not helped by the disappearance of his stony remains confirming her fears of his return.

Fearing his revenge, Twilight and the Princesses summon a champion to help them in their time of need... and he's an optimistic yellow sponge who lives in a pineapple under the sea.

Look out, Storm King and Equestria, get ready for...


Inspired by the SpongeBob/MLP crossover duology by yodajax10

Chapters (2)

Just when our favorite ponies thought they were about to stop Discord, they suddenly find themselves trapped in a papery new world. While here they make some lovely new friends...only for the dreaded Bowser to crash in and...win for a change?!
Now separated from her friends, Rainbow Dash must help Mario to save the Star Spirits of Star Haven, locate her missing friends, defeat Bowser and free the Mushroom Kingdom from Bowser's papery claws.

Inspired by Codex92's My Little Paper Mario

Chapters (2)

For those of you who have played the game from Google Play, and have always enjoyed watching every video clip of the series, we find out what happens when a certain cute, little green monster ends up in Equestria. Lost, hungry and alone, he travels the Everfree Forest in search of the candy the spiders have stolen from him, until he ends up in Ponyville, while attracting the attention and interest of none other than Equestria's party pony, Pinkie Pie!
After taking him in, she later finds out that this guy's diet is comprised mainly, and only of candy.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to MLP Versus Goat Simulator

The chaos in Equestria has ended. Now it's the Rainbooms' turn to deal with the goat menace!

I don't own anything. My Little Pony: Equestria Girls and Goat Simulator belong to their respective owners.

Chapters (3)

Apple Bloom was just working in her family’s orchard, when a crown fell out of a tree. Before she could put it on, it sends her to the Mushroom Kingdom. Now she is going on adventures with Mario and Luigi to save Peach from Bowser?

Starts halfway of Season 5
My Little Ponies belongs to Hasbro
Mario belongs to Nintendo
Inspired by stories of Lucar

Chapters (3)

Since the downfall of Handsome Jack, the six vault hunters responsible for his downfall have had many adventures over the months since. They've reaped the rewards from the Lost Treasure of the Sands, conquered the Campaign of Carnage and became the number one badasses on Pandora, hunted big game alongside Sir Hammerlock and ventured into the fantasy world that Tiny Tina had created in Bunkers and Badasses. Though, since then, out of all the adventures that they've been through... Nothing would even stack up to the situation they get themselves in this time.

When the six vault hunters receive an echo message about a stranger in Sanctuary that knows the whereabouts of a Vault, they hear him out and decide to take on the task of finding it and opening it. However... none of them actually know the full extent of what hey were getting themselves into... or the chaos that would result from it. Because there were several details that this... stranger... forgot to mention to them.

One detail being that the vault... is on another planet far different from Pandora. VERY different.

Hey there everyone and everypony, This a story that me and FrostTheWolf are writing together. Borderlands 2 crossover with MLP:FIM, Read to find out how our Vault Hunters tackle the world of Equestria.
Edit: Featured 2/22/2023 wasn't expecting this to ever happen, but thank you very much.
Edit2: Featured once again 11/23/2023 still hard to believe this can happen but thank you all for reading this

Chapters (34)

"Hey, hot shot! You know me, right? Of course you do! Who doesn't know of the amazing Eddy? So, anyways...I had this great scam all figured out, right? It was the best scam ever, I tell ya! But then something went wrong - probably monobrow's fault, as usual - and now we're stuck in this weirdo land with these even weirder talking rainbow-coloured horses. Great. Still, I guess it's not all bad. New people - or ponies, whatever - means new suckers to fleece, and more money for me! Hey, don't look at me like that! I'm just looking out for my friends, that's all - who says I can't make a little money on the side, eh? Besides, sockhead will probably figure out a way to get us home in no time! What's the worst that could happen before then, huh?"

(Crossover with Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy. In the canon of this story, the events of Season 3 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic have never happened. The events of Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy's Big Picture Show have never happened, either.)

Chapters (6)