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Silver Sparks - Wizard.
Lost things found, broken things fixed.
Various other spells, just ask!
No love potions or turning lead into gold.
Yes, I do birthday parties!

A collection of short stories about a unicorn on Earth and her friends.

Inspired by the Dresden Files and Admiral Biscuit's not-a-contest.

Updates occasionally.

Chapters (2)

Foalout 76 is coming out soon, and the last changeling working in the QA department might have to sacrifice more than he thinks to get the game out the door.

Chapters (1)

They say that if you put your heart to something...anything is possible. What if I told you that your deepest wishes and desires is just one trip away? Scootaloo can't fly...but all of that change with one thing...11.

Chapters (17)

Flash doesn’t understand why Sunset wants to break up, so she tells him the truth. She fell in love and is dating someone else. He’s dependable, durable, and he’s a football player. Flash is very confused and a bit insulted, but nobody cares about him. What matters is that Sunset found someone who was leagues better than Flash, and she dumps him for her new boyfriend. Everyone is happy except for Flash.

Chapters (1)

Despite Celestia’s best efforts to groom her into being her successor, there are many things that she had forgotten to teach her former protege. One of which being how to propose an acceptable tax policy so she could avoid any potential riots and military coups down the line.

Yeah, being princess of all of Equestria is definitely harder than it looks.

Part of the Twilight's Bureaucracy series.

Chapters (1)

Trixie attempts to amputate Celestia and revolutionize the game of Buckball. Spike attempts to be relevant.

Thanks for cowriting, Bicyclette! It looks like my writing drought may finally be over!

Late July 2021 update: Now with a YouTube reading by The Major Techie!!!

Chapters (1)

It was a wonderful night at the Shadow estate. As per usual, Twilight and him were happy together as any couple could ever be. She with their child in her womb, and him so grateful for absolute perfection.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer opens up a coffee shop and receives a peculiar customer with a peculiar order.

Chapters (1)

Mondays can be super boring sometimes but at least I get to lay back and enjoy the light of day.
—Sunset Shimmer

Now I would’ve posted this Yesterday but..... meh I was lazy as heck:rainbowlaugh:

Link to fan art:

Chapters (1)

Dear Princess Celestia,

The land is at peace once and for all. Twilight Sparkle is ready to take on her new duties, and the known foes we once faced have finally been vanquished. We expect little in the way of new trouble to arise from this day onward.

Across Equestria,
Raven Inkwell.

Chapter groups:

Chapters (17)