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  • Cash Money 47 stories

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This story is a sequel to Anon runs the 1s with the bug queen(1/5)

After 1v1ing bug queen and absolutely running her fade, Anon thinks he can now take on Sunny D. Why exactly? Well he beat up the over sized ant and that broke into his house, and Sunbutt lost to her so surely he can take on the number 1 cake eater in the world.

(I love taking a photo off the internet and putting GREEN over it, I am so original :derpytongue2:)
(Anon 1v1ing the bug queen is no longer a 1 shot i am truly getting desprate :ajsleepy:)

Chapters (1)

ShadowLegacy13 did a read of this story on youtube that you can find here

Spotify alternate link.

Twilight has had a long reign. She has watched ponies develop technologies that those of the past considered mere mythology. She has watched them scour the world and discover continents that were hidden from view or simply lost beneath the waves. Many creatures and tribes of ponies have come and gone, and the sea of stars is where they went last.

The alicorn accompanied them and acted as a figurehead and council before retreating back to Equestria. Now she is crumbling apart in the final years of her life as her magic consumes her body and the ponies are on the verge of dying out. As she watches the sky, engulfed by a black hole crowned in light, Twilight is approached by a still young mare, unfortunately born in an age where she will be all that's left of her people in just a few years.

She asks Twilight a question not about herself or her future, but about the alicorn herself: How does a god die?

Apparently it's on EqD too.

Hover over the image to find the source.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle, former Element of Magic, current Princess of Friendship for all of Equestria. Though perhaps a charmed life from the outside, she has regrets like any other pony. One memory in particular causes her to lament her thoughts to the moon one early dawn.

First person pov one-sided TwiPie fic. Rated Teen for themes of death and mourning.

Cover art made by me!

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is widely known for her propensity for pranks. While seeing an unsuspecting Anonymous the human in the outskirts of Ponyville, Rainbow decides to hit him with classic from her arsenal, the ol' lightning stomp prank. It's simply really, she's played it on tons of ponies before.

Rainbow didn't think Anon would get hurt. She didn't think he'd become paralyzed. It was supposed to be a harmless prank!

'What have I done?!

Officially Featured March 1st 2023

Chapters (17)

You’ve seen Humans in Equestria… but have you seen them done quick? Will PonyRunner420 crumble under the pressure of one frame tricks, uninvited couch commentators, and suspiciously self-aware NPCs, or will he successfully kill Celestia in record time?

A short story about the magic of speedrunning, and it’s power to bring people across the world (and across dimensions) together with the common goal of raising money for charity, and just killing Celestia really fast.

Featured 2023/01/10. You’re supposed to brag about this here right

Chapters (7)

Everypony knows Prince Blueblood is spoiled, foppish, and most critically, an ass. Nopony would ever take him to be a serious threat - merely a small obstacle to their plans.

That's by design, but that doesn't mean Blueblood is happy about it.

A side story to my Four Princesses, Four Demons series, which began with Cadance the Unbroken. Readers of that series will notice a few connections, but this story is crafted to be enjoyed independently.

Featured from 7-26 to 7-29, peaking at #1. Thanks, everypony!

Chapters (1)

Meet martincitopants. Youtuber, memer, and frog man. He will soon embark upon a wild quest of chaos, destruction, and impending doom and tomfoolery. Now let's set the scene. Martin has just defeated his nemesis, Kevin, sending him off to an unknown world on his battered warship, far away from martin and kerbin. However, little did martin know, he had sent Kevin through a wormhole leading to equestria, and now, Kevin is planning to wage war against martin and the bean space program, but first, Kevin must build up his forces and find a way back, and to do so, he must take over the world of equestria. In kevins first plan to conquer equestria, he accidentally breaks his machine, and summons martin and some other random people, including TheRussianBadger and his friends, rimmy, digby, and the cadian XXth, rubixraptor and his group, Ignis, detective dan, jon tron, Sovietwomble and his mates, the top gear hosts, and a few other random people. As they are scattered across the world, they must work together to find out where the hell they are, and hopefully, help equestria defend against the Kevin empire as they prepare for an invasion.

Yes, this is one big shitpost, but someone had to do it.

Links to youtube channels:



Rimmy Downunder:



Chapters (9)


Truth or myth? Ancient lost civilization or just an old pony's tale?

No pony has ever seen one, and most haven't even heard of them. But Lyra knows that these wonderful creatures are more than just old legends, and she's going to find out... and possibly drive her roommate insane in the process.

Chapters (31)

When your life is as dull a gray as the world that surrounds you, the mundanities can make it all seem meaningless. Sometimes all we need is a little color -- or six -- to reintroduce us to what truly makes life worth living.

*6-16-2017 Edit, added Rainbow Dash tag because it triggered knighty.*

Chapters (1)

When a sombre milestone is reached one hot summer day many years hence, Fluttershy pauses to consider things, and soon she’s in a tense discussion with her newest, oldest friend.

A short attempt at an Iceberg Theory style story.

An audio reading can be found here.

Chapters (1)