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Spike wakes up on the side of an unfamiliar road, with only a confusing memory of the night before and a very unspecific note in his hand. Following the road, he finds himself in the town of Dragonsville, a rural town in the direct center of the country of Serpentia, land of love, tolerance, and harmony. Upon entering the town, he comes face-to-face with the most confusing group of dragons he's ever met: Pinkie Pie, the baker; Rainbow Dash, the stunt flyer; Applejack, the farmer; Rarity, the designer; Fluttershy, the animal enthusiast; Twilight Sparkle, the librarian; and Spike, the #1 assistant, who also happens to be a unicorn, a species most rare in this land.

And so begin the most incredible two weeks of Spike's life...

Featuring Brand New Cover Art by Ms. Pia-Sama!
MLP: FIM Characters, Settings, etc. © Hasbro & Lauren Faust

Chapters (24)

IN RELATIONSHIPS, some things must be said, while others are best left unspoken. At the end of an exasperating day, Spike and Rarity camp in the desert and talk.

Story Paladin: Cerulean Voice ● Editor: BlueBook ● Proofreader: Tigerose

Featured on Las Pegasus Tribune 5th Jan 2014 Site defunct - replacement pending
Featured on Equestria Daily 21st Jan 2014
Third place winner Sparity Contest 13th Feb 2014
Featured in Top Tier Fanfics to Read for Spike Day! 19th Jan 2018
Featured in 50+ Fanfics To Read for Rarity Day! 10th Sep 2018

Chapters (1)

Rarity and Spike do lunch every week. It's purely platonic, of course. Just two friends meeting to chat over a mid-day meal, somehow always shortly after something noteworthy has happened around town...

...Odd how that works.

(On indefinite hiatus. Sorry, guys.)

My mini-series. Hoping to explore new episodes from the perspective of Spike and Rarity. Friendshippy. Or romance-shippy, if you've got shipping goggles on a bit tighter. A mix of humor or drama, depending on what each new episode calls for. Unrelated to my other fics. May have occasional appearances by other characters.

Chapters (4)

One fine morning, Lavender wakes up with hiccups. How will she cope with them?

This is a short side-story to As Sweet As Lavender.
Proof-reading provided by Eeveexpert.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Love Is Its Own Reward

Everypony knows Spike would walk across hot coals if Rarity asked him to, even if he wasn't fireproof. A few years down the line, he is still happily helping her design dresses and mine gemstones. However, his fealty is to Twilight Sparkle, and everypony knows that without him she might accidentally level Ponyville! When Rarity finally feels he is ready for a real relationship, how will the dragon choose between her kiss and his duty?

A follow-up story to Love Is Its Own Reward, set a few years into Friendship is Magic's future.

Chapters (1)

Since the Timberwolf incident, Applejack hasn't been feeling well. She can't eat, she can't sleep and she's not sure why.

Little does she realize that she's suffering from the deadliest disease of all: love.

But who is she pining for?

Melodramatic reading by BigApplePie.

Fan Art by byLisboa

Chapters (1)

While on a work trip to help family in Appleloosa, Big Macintosh strikes up some correspondences with friends back home. These are the letters that crossed Twilight Sparkle's desk.

Sometimes words don't mean what they say.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Reading by Scribbler!

Chapters (1)

Spike has always considered Ponyville his home, and has always held Rarity a special place in his heart. That is, until a group of dragons showed up after years of looking for him. After meeting his real family and hearing why he was brought into the ponies' care, he starts to rethink his old thoughts.

Now he only has a week to make a decision: either stay with the ponies who loved and cared for him most of his life, or go with the dragons and finally be with his real family. The decision would have been all so clear...

...if there wasn't another factor in the equation.

Much love to those who oversaw the story:

Pre-Readers: Skeeter the Lurker & Mr101
Editors: The Abyss & Man_Demon

Chapters (3)

Meet Lavender, a rare offspring brought into the world by a loving dragon and a beautiful pony. She is told constantly by her parents that she is a beautiful gift of nature, but she is reminded everyday about just how different she is from the rest of the world. She is going to learn very rapidly how cruel and unforgiving the world can be for anything different from them.

Follow the journey of Spike, Rarity, and their offspring Lavender from birth to adulthood as they try to survive prejudice, natural impulses, and even their relationship between each other.

The character of Lavender and the artwork included all belong to Carnifex
Someone actually thought this fic was worthy to be in the Twilight Library. Well... if you say so.

Chapters (14)

Spike decides to take a leaf from Big Mac's book by speaking as little as possible to see if that will finally spark Rarity's interest in him and a relationship

Yes this is Sparity; No, I'm not sure it will be clop... This is full pony, no anthro or humanized... This could be a one shot, or I could add several chapters depending on the feedback I receive.... Constructive criticism and advice strongly appreciated, and I hope that this turns out well...
Also, if I do add clop it will only be a single chapter, and that chapter will not be necessary to read to understand the rest of the story... kinda like a deleted scene I guess... -shrug- Anyway if you do feel the obligation to downvote, please at least read it first and leave a legitimate response as to why; so I can focus on improving this, it is my first fic after all... (Also, if I somehow manage to attract the attention of an artist, I would LOVE to have some artwork made for the cover. and you would get full credit for the art obviously.. that is all, please commence reading!)

Chapters (2)