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Sunset Shimmer is a good guy now. She follows the rules, protects the innocent, and puts others ahead of herself. She likes being a good guy.

Adagio Dazzle is still a bad guy. She disobeys authority, preys on the weak, and will stop at nothing to get what she wants. She likes being a bad guy.

As it turns out, there's a lot of fun to be had in the grey area between them.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Nerds Are Hot

Christmas time? Hardly. It's a chance to rest and do absolutely nothing at all.

Heaven knows Twilight needs it. School is now actually exhausting, draining her for every ounce of her will. A few weeks in between semesters is not the opportunity to celebrate, but simply sleep and ready herself for the next round.
However, there might be a few who object to such a notion. Few things are better for the soul than a little love.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle, newly recruited by Princess Celestia, was given entrance into a private magic school for unicorn ponies. There, she met Sunset Shimmer, a slightly older unicorn who was kicked from the school, but who stayed around to help Twilight. Everything goes perfectly.

Done for a patron gladly.

Chapters (2)

After Sunset Shimmer loses everything, she gains the one thing she never thought she would ever have, Fluttershy as a friend and maybe even more.

Chapters (9)

She thought that whatever world that lied beyond the Mirror had their own secrets. Something that her teacher refused to tell her and tried to keep hidden. Boldly, she leaped forward into the unknown, hoping to gain something to prove them wrong.

That is not what happened. And that is not this story.

Instead, the unicorn known as Sunset Shimmer finds herself in a unforgiving place where danger lurks around every corner, those who tried to harness power for themselves are never the same and tensions between the Undercity and Topside are at a boiling point. In order to have any chance to find a way home, she will need to quickly learn how to adapt and survive.

Fortunately for her, there's one person willing to lend a hand. Someone who leads the only group putting up a fight against the barons that run this chem fueled playground and the one in control of everything. And unless she wanted to take her chances on her own, they might be her best shot at surviving down here.

A crossover between MLP and Arcane, serving as an alternate take as to what happened when Sunset went through the Mirror portal. No knowledge on Arcane or League of Legends is necessary, but I would recommend at least going through the first season before giving this story a try. I will label chapters with Spoilers just in case when we dive into territory that goes into Season 2

Written as a personal project to shake off any writer's block as well as to celebrate ten years of storytelling here.

Also, depending on how it goes and as new chapters are added, there may be some events in this story that play out differently from how it's shown in the actual show. Updates will not be frequent, but much like the show it's based on, they will be released in acts of three chapters each.

Credits to everything shown.
My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro.
Arcane & League of Legends belongs to Riot Games, Netflix & Fortiche Animation.

Chapters (6)

You know how the story goes: A deranged cult kidnaps Twilight Sparkle, intent on using her to resurrect Nightmare Moon and bringing about an empire of Eternal Glorious Night. Thanks to the timely intervention of Celestia, the cult is thwarted, their ritual fails, and a small alicorn foal finds herself experiencing the big wide world of Equestria.

But what if things went a bit... differently? What if the Princess of the Sun's triumphant rescue was just a tiny bit sooner, the spell just a little bit more unfinished?

Now, Twilight Sparkle finds herself learning all the things she didn't know about alicorn foalcare (which is everything), Princess Luna finds herself in a battle of wits against a conspiracy that worships her worst impulses (which is just embarrassing), and Princess Celestia finds herself facing her oldest demons (of which there are many).

This fic is based off Past Sins, and follows the prologue of that story before deviating significantly. Nyx belongs to Pen Stroke, of course.

Big thanks to the Fimfiction discord for proofreading.

Chapters (11)

After the destruction of the Mirror World, Sunset is given the offer to save the world by changing moments in her past life. What would she has to charge? Also what other changes can she do in the past before the time of Twilight and friends?

Chapters (3)

Late one night, several months after the events of the Fall Formal, Sunset calls Rarity at a frankly unreasonable hour. Things go from there.

(This was originally a standalone one-off thing. The list of sequels is starting to get lengthy, so I decided to compile them all together as one thing for neatness's sake. At this point it's become a proper-ish story.)

Chapters (18)

Twilight Sparkle is a scientist first and foremost. If it exists it can be explained using science and math, she knows it.

Magic will have to drag her kicking and screaming into believing in it. A promise it is willing to keep.

Chapters (2)

Life is full of mystery. You never know If your friends become your enemies or one way or another in the future, or if you will become a different person from yesterday, you never know that maybe someday you will end up in the place you didn't know at all. It's all like a permanent settlement that we can't run from it.

The same thing happened to Sunset Shimmer. She never knew she would sit in front of Crystal Prep High School let alone be surrounded by cool people who were laughing with her. Things might change a lot, but she's okay with that.

Chapters (3)