• Member Since 5th Feb, 2014


I like to make fun of poor people.

Favourites 26 stories
  • Favourites 26 stories - 77 unread chapters
    Created by Happy
    - October, 2014
Found 17 stories in 55ms

Total Words: 217,298
Estimated Reading: 14 hours



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After having one too many run-ins with the school law, Air Castle has been suspended from the school Track and Field team for a whole two months, complete with a week-long detention.

As if that wasn't enough, they have been assigned a tutor to help him earn higher marks and better results in an unorthodox programme that serves as a cornerstone subject of Canterlot High.

Needless to say, they're not ecstatic about it, especially if the tutor in question is a type of person who keeps rubbing them the wrong way at all times.

Note: Takes place before the start of "Equestria Girls", ends when the film does.

Chapters (2)

Celestia said it herself, that Twilight Sparkle is no longer her student. While wandering around in the city of Canterlot one day, Her Highness stumbles upon Trixie's local stage show. To Her Highness, there seemed to be much potential behind the mere performer's act, and soon found it hard to resist taking Trixie under her wing.

Would Trixie even be up to the challenge?

Slightly edited by NemoSpecific.

Chapters (20)

The All-Spark was within his reach, he could practically feel the energon pouring off of it. His mission was almost complete.
He sent the co-ordinates of the Cube to Megatron...

And he would have...

Only if the Royal Sisters hadn't of blasted it back into the endless void of space and froze him in the ice with those so called Elements of Harmony.

Two thousand years have passed since then, and after a group of archaeologists uncovered him beneath the ice of the Frozen North, he awakens. To bring death upon those who disrupted his mission.

This will be the last story from me for a while.

Movie design with Transformer's Prime voice and color. (Not a toy!)

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is stuck in a rut.

Her longer stories, while well-received, aren't giving her the attention she craves.

Then, the verve hits her.

The rest is history.

Preread by RainbowBob!

Chapters (1)

(This is about my OC Demon Bash.)

With the return of an ancient Alicorn, the main 6 must struggle with the fact that Celestia has lied to them all about the true past of Equestria. Soon, a rebellion is put into full effect. Will have human loving Lyra later.

I ask that you don't put anything negative in the comments. Only positive comments please. Also, don't ADD THIS TO ANY GROUPS WITHOUT TALKING TO ME FIRST.

Chapters (1)

Cuddles meet crusades, and hilarity ensues.

Chapters (5)

Random one-shots, parodies, and other badly-written and unedited idiocy outside of continuity, usually aimed at writer's block on my other stories.

They are all incredibly stupid. Don't get your hopes up.

Chapters (2)

Polymorphic Stories of Today and Tomorrow: a collection of varied and diverse pony short stories. Here you will find stories strange and curious, comedic and tragic, adventurous and thoughtful, all introduced by the author.

Chapters (27)

Scootaloo has a great life; a loving mother and a sister who are also her idols, and the best friends a pony could ask for. However, when Luna appears in one of her nightmares with an opportunity, Scootaloo makes a choice that will place her at the highest ranks of a new flight team, and that will ultimately put her in conflict with Equestria itself.

This story will involve other MLP characters from their own stories, but Scoots will be the center of it. Also Equestria will be going through a industrial revolution with more advance technology.
Un-tagged characters include: Rumble, Flash Sentry, Luna, Celestia, Thunderlane, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Spitfire.

P.S. I will change some parts of the story as the MLP season goes on.

Chapters (2)