The daily lives of the royal princesses, often times is pretty simple. Wake up, raise or lower their celestial bodies, hold court, meetings, sleep, and repeat. Oh, and dealing with their infuriating nephew! Overall, things aren't all that easy for them but it's manageable and mundane.
But when an innocent wish came true, both sisters are now facing a new Blueblood. One that can be considered better, yet for some reason, this version seems to have forgotten how magic works and keeps looking at the world like a newborn baby.
So what happens now? Did their wish actually come true? Is it some sort of act? Has he been replaced by a changeling? And what does this new Blueblood mean for Equestria?
Only one thing is for sure, shenanigans will appear and a lot of ponies are about to spit their coffee. Look out Equestria! There is a new Blueblood on the loose, and this one might actually be worthy of the title 'Prince'.
The 'Romance' tag is for events that happen later on the chapters
Commission by:
SirReal ( )
Sipioc ( )
AvidSeason ( )
RadBunny ( )
Brony_Falcon ( )
YellowBastion ( )
Brave Stomp ( )
Arstotzka-Pon ( )
FlashBoltMayhem (]FlashBoltMayhem)
Nocturnas (
Kit The Kite (
Thank you so much for giving me a hand!
Initials in the chapter titles denotes who to thank/blame for the majority of the edits in that chapter.
Now with a Russian version!
By: Mariness
I made this out of curiosity and intrigue, so there is no need to take too seriously. This takes place during season 8 before Spike got his wings.
Rated ‘Teen’ for language, mild violence, and graphic depiction of cuddling. Ratings could change at any moment depending on how the story progresses.