• Member Since 25th Dec, 2013


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Rarity's search for gemstones leads her to Sweet Apple Acres, and Applejack has no problem guiding her around the orchard. But when a freak storm strikes, the two ponies must race against the tempest to find shelter.

As the storm rages overhead, Applejack wrestles with the growing unrest within her heart regarding Rarity. And as events unfold, Rarity is forced to examine her own opinions and feelings towards her best friend.

(This is a RariJack shipfic, written per request/challenge for a friend.)

Chapters (1)

Set a couple days after the near-disaster that was Rarity's fashion debut for new up-and-coming designers (Honest Apple), this story is about two ponies who tried to ignore and shove away their feelings.

After Rarity finds out from Apple Bloom that Applejack sometimes goes out to some unknown location in the orchards to work off stress. And that she's been gone out there for a couple days this time, she makes her way to Sweet Apple Acres; determined to find out what is wrong with her friend.

Oh wow! Was featured on 7/21/17! :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (1)

Twilight is a brilliant student who's never had the time nor reason to make friends. That all changed at the beginning of the year when she stumbles upon a mysterious super computer and activates it. It's here that she finds three things that'll change her life forever. A super intelligent and life like AI named Fluttershy, a virtual world called Lyoko, and a sentient computer virus named XANA who has desires to take over the human world.

With the help of her fellow classmates Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie, Twilight must engage the evil computer virus, save Fluttershy, and one day shut down the super computer once and for all. But why does something like Lyoko even exist, and who made it?

Now with TV Trope Page!!!

This story is rated Teen for violence, language, suggestive themes, and tense situations.

Chapters (35)

Sunset Shimmer has been worrying her friends of late. It had started off as her talking around the subject of home. Then outright avoiding it.

It isn't that her friends want to have a sleepover at her place, or have her host a Pinkie Party. They're just worried. Sunset does have somewhere to call home right? A roof over her head and a warm place to sleep?

EQG. Set after Friendship Games and before. Takes plot points from the comic special. Notes per chapter as needs must.

Just a story I wrote trying to escape writers block on other projects. It sort of ran away with me. Name comes from this track, but it didn't have much influence on the story. In need of cover art if anyone can point me to something good.

Now with cover art from Novel-Idea, designer of the fine image now applied.

Chapters (12)

They tell you to shoot for the moon. To reach for the sun. But they never remind you of the drop and the distance. Rainbow Dash learns this the hard way. Her friends are at her side, and one refuses to leave it. Pinkie becomes a caretaker for her injured friend. And this is their story.

Inspired by a bag of gumdrops I received during halloween. Nah, I kid. I can't remember where I came up with this. But thanks for reading, anyway. This story contains shipping but of the innocent playful variety. Get your mind out of the gutter, son. You bring great shame to family.

Chapters (12)

He arrived in Canterlot four years ago with a sack of bits, good eyes, and a greater vision. Now he's the sixth-richest CEO in Canterlot, the third strongest Grandmaster in the Pro Magical Duelling Circuit, and the most handsome, in his personal opinion. But behind the charming smile of this Gentlepony Adventurer lies a dark secret: When not selling enchanted armours or food imported from alternate worlds in his supermarket chains and fast food stores across Equestria, the well-connected, creative, unforgiving and absolutely brilliant Unicorn known as Silver Star has been running a rather profitable side business: Donning disguises and conning the richest, stupidest, and most corrupt monsters around the world and across the multiverse out of everything they own. Sometimes, the Canterlot Police Department, the secret multiverse-mapping "Map Club", and that law firm he bought will pass the cases they deem "Impossible" to him. Other times, he seeks out his own prey, or the wounded and helpless will come to him for aid. The risk, the rush, the thrill of a good plan executed perfectly, or better yet, salvaged despite unforseen complications... It's incredible.

But when even gold loses its lustre, Silver Star - formerly Star Apple - must make new bonds, reconnect with his family, and embrace friendship. But what does it mean when feelings start to appear in a heart he had believed to be beyond even the warmest touch? And when something is traded away... is it possible to get it back?

In the heart of Ponyville, oblivious to the machinations of Canterlot in his absence, as a disaster of his own making prepares to tear Equestria asunder, Silver Star Apple is going to find out.

But those pleasant slice-of-life adventures are put on hold when a new threat to the world rises. 21 magical cards have hidden themselves around Equestria, and the underground Diamond Dog Empire isn't the only group trying to collect them. Gather them all, and none can match your power. Can Silver and his new best friends find them in time?

Chapters (6)