Everything was going well for Queen Chrysalis of the changeling Swarm. She had fooled the ponies completely and the barrier that blocked her swarm was gone. Victory was all but assured as her changelings descended upon the helpless city of Canterlot.
Yet, even after all of that, there would be no victory for the changelings. A barrier of pure love would repel the invasion and bring about the end of Queen Chrysalis’s great swarm. With what fleeting magic she had left, Chrysalis attempted to slow the barrier's expansion in a desperate attempt to allow her swarm to escape.
She succeeded, but at a terrible cost. Magic drained, wings gone and chitin cracking. The only thought that went through her mind as the renewed barrier launched her through the air at close to the speed of sound was how she hoped her sacrifice was not in vain.
Then she hit the ground, and the Queen was dead. Her life ended as her broken body collided against the sand of a faraway desert. Yet her journey would not end here, for the Gardener had chosen her, and the Queen would live again.
Now armed with a strange companion and power known only as ‘the Light’ a new mare, devoid of her previous life's memories, must find her place in the world before her past returns to finish what they started.
Still takes place in Equestria not on earth
Tags will be added as the story progresses
A Destiny Crossover. Knowing the lore is not needed to understand this story. I was very meticulous about that. Everything you learn, you learn with our Chrysalis.