• Member Since 8th Jul, 2018

Lunatic God

I may stand there with 22 ping, but know that my widowmaker is reloading shells, I'm listening to voice chat as if I'm not lagging, and I'm watching my ping get higher than the age of the universe

Start Later 52 stories
Found 25 stories in 105ms

Total Words: 733,639
Estimated Reading: 2 days


  • Misfits 7 stories A collection of all the Misfits story.

  • Untitled Bookshelf 3 stories

  • Youtooz 8 stories A collection of all the fics I do of people with Youtooz.

  • Lunch Club 1 stories My Lunch CLub Fanfics.

  • Archive 0 stories This bookshelf contains discontinued/ old completed stories.

  • NSFW Bookshelf 1 stories This'll make sense later, I promise. Actually, I shouldn't promise. I don't do too good on those.

  • Start Later 52 stories

  • Used Cover Art I Have 2 stories A list of stories by Some Leech the use cover art that I had discovered and downloaded (for personal use) prior from April 22, 2021 and on.

  • Suddenly, Sex! 5 stories A collection of my Suddenly, Sex! series.


  • Featured 24838 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 250 stories Stories that have been reviewed

This story is a sequel to M.A.D.

All Chrysalis wanted was to have some fun and vent some stress - regrettably, after setting her sights on Luna, she winds up with more than just a bruised pride. All but in traction at her hive's hospital, barely able to lift a chitinous hoof, she'd left to sulk and brood on her past mistakes - that is until a very special visitor arrives.

Artwork by Xarakayx and edited by Evan (Twitter @evan555alpha)

If you want to help support me, I have a Tip-Jar/Patreon HERE

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia has become quite worried about her dear friend when she has started acting unlike herself. She has a hunch that the newest resident of Ponyville is to blame.

Featured on 1/5/2024 - 6/5/2024 and top of Popular. Thanks guys

There is a Russian translation about this story, Celestia's story and Luna's story on FicBook, PonyFiction and Tabun.

Chapters (1)

The hit new video game Helldivers 2â„¢ has just released, and Luna is desperate to play it. However, this excitement doesn't last long, as the servers appear to be full. Now stuck in a seemingly endless queue, Luna needs to find some way to kill time.

She'd rather be killing space bugs.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy is going out of town for a bit and enlists the help of Lyra and Bon Bon to watch over her animals in her absence. The job ends up being a bit more.. horrific, than they expect.

Chapters (1)

The Sisters' Moon.

For generations the ponies of Equestria called eclipses by the same name, even while divided by fear and hate. All celebrate it the same way, displaying their affection and love for their close friends and family. To this day, nopony remembers why.

Sunny Starscout discovers this mystery when she and her friends prepare to celebrate their first Sisters' Moon together in the Crystal Brighthouse, and she wants to know the story behind the holiday that bound them even before their reunification. Her only lead is an elderly pony who might just have the answers she seeks.

Bonus prize winner in the Beans Writing Group's "New Blood" contest, for the bonus prompt: "From the beginning, you know the end."

Cover art by the amazingly-skilled Little Tigress

Now with a reading from RainbowInfinityReadings!

Many thanks for the prereading help from:
Pilot Light

Featured 7/31/23 - 8/4/23

Chapters (1)

Two brothers, born within darkness. But as one lingers within the shores of the dark sea and mingles with the light, the other descends into its darkest depths.

But both are mere pieces to an even larger puzzle...

Cover sauce: https://www.deviantart.com/skyeypony/art/Run-935690201

Chapters (36)

This story is a sequel to Maid Up

It's said that turnabout is fair play - still Chrysalis would never have expected her arch-nemesis to flip the tables on her. She'd thought that she was finally done playing her little game with Celestia, but she'd been wrong - so very, very wrong...

Artwork by Alumx (Twitter @Alumx_mlp)

If you want to help support me, I have a Tip-Jar/Patreon HERE

Chapters (1)

After a fleet of Separatist ships reactivates over Muunilinst at the end of the clone wars, a single Providence-class Dreadnaught escapes into unknown space in a randomized jump, and the Battle Droids on board meet everyone's favourite pony princess. Join Princess Twilight and friends as they try to make sense of the giant metal bathtubs from the sky and their strange occupants.

(Big thanks to my friend Dawny and my new editor Mine_Menace for editing this story for me, as well as Zaten for helping me proofread on later chapters)

WAIT, WHAT? I got featured? 05/27/2019
And apparently again 08/07/2019

Chapters (15)

"Ponies with magical powers? And I thought the Jedi were weird..." - OOM-5264

Shortly after General Kalani and his sentient droid soldiers managed a desperate escape from Agamar and fled the system, the super tactical droid soon made the decision to try and re-build the separatist alliance, this time not influenced and dominated by the sith or the corrupt business leaders, instead serving it's true purpose, a bastion of freedom and liberty, free of corruption and suffering. Kalani, now dead-set on his goal, set course for the planet Bracca, having located a scrapyard filled with confederate vessels, and after arriving, activating a large dormant army of droids and the Providence Class Dreadnought Blade of Serenity they were aboard, Kalani ordered his newly activated droids to set course for a new world to hide from the empire and build their forces... And upon finding this world, Kalani observed the natives, and determined that this world would be the first building block to rebuilding the Confederacy.

This story is heavily inspired by Logic and Friendship. Roger! Roger!, as well as Ponies and Lasers and Clankers, Oh My!

6/29/22: Featured boys, let's GO!

7/27/22: AYO, Featured again? YOOOOOOOOOOO-

I do not own MLP or Star Wars.

Chapters (20)

Having survived the shutdown command at the end of the Clone Wars, The Super Tactical Droid Kraken retreats from a losing battle against the Galactic Empire into unknown space, and finds himself and the remains of his fleet at a mysterious pony world?

Chapters (43)