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Discord never likes it when his sweet wife is away from home, and Fluttershy misses him dearly, even if she knows it's only for a little while. But let it not be said the Lord of Chaos can't come up with ways to tide them over until they are back in each other's arms!

Written for #fluttercordweek2023, day 7.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy enjoys the comforts of familial love as she spends the morning with three beings who would do anything for her and the one on the way.

Written for Day Twelve of Fluttercord Week.
Prompt: Comfort

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy and Discord are excited to spend a beautiful Hearth's Warming Eve together, but things take an unexpected turn as they near the midnight hour.

Just a festive little fluff story for the holiday season. (This story has no connection to Let Yourself Fall.)

Cover art is my own.

Some more fluff tunes:

Chapters (3)

Based on/Inspired by Ink Potts's Animatics (especially this one and just overall Ink Potts's Frankenspark AU concept (additional concept art)

It is also based on/inspired by the story and plot of The Frankenstein Musical

Instead of dying at the hooves of her creator, she is saved by a monster who only wanted a bride... a bride just like him.

Cover Art by FlutterCanaryHorse

Chapters (1)

After saying, "I do," Fluttershy and Discord enjoy the next year as husband and wife and that means living through spring, summer, fall and winter. How do these two lovebirds spend the seasons together? What kind of shenanigans could they possibly get into? Just read to find out.

Day Three of Fluttercord Week (Theme: Seasons)
Fluttercord Week: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/214010/fluttercord-week

Chapters (1)

Both Fluttershy and Discord have developed particularly warm feelings for one another, feelings that have blossomed into something far more than just a friendship. However, they're both a little lost and a little frightened about what to do with these realizations and begin to seek out guidance from their friends. Can either of them step out of their comfort zones to begin a new adventure together? (extra fluff warning)

Cover art is my own

Some good fluff tunes:

Chapters (8)

Equestria has been ruled for a millenia in an era of Harmony under the watch of it's Queen, King, and their seven daughters. But that era comes to a tragic end as an old foe, Discord, returns, bringing chaos and destruction in his wake. Celestia is overthrown, and five of her daughters are banished without a memory. Only two mares escape his curse. But two is all it takes to be a threat to his reign.

A rewrite of my original fanfic by the same title. Trust me, this will be worlds better and worth the wait :yay:

Cover art by yours truly. Check out my Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/marinastars

Chapters (8)

Discord welcomes all sorts of chaos. He relishes it, in fact. It's almost his favorite thing in the whole world!

Almost. He loves Fluttershy much more, even if he hasn't quite found the words to say it yet.

Though, when Fluttershy and chaos combine, he's not sure what to think.

just something dumb I wrote that came from a single idea; not really my usual fare

FEATURED ON 2/2/17-2/4/17 ARE YOU FOR REAL??????

Chapters (2)

(takes place immediately after Make New Friends, But Keep Discord)

Fluttershy returns from the Grand Galloping Gala with Discord at her side. Emotions peaked, she starts reflecting on the events, realizing that maybe she did things too. Was Discord really the only one who did something wrong?

They start to talk, and Discord eventually proceeds to ask an extraordinarily odd question that Fluttershy didn't expect to hear.

Chapters (2)

(takes place after the Season Six finale, To Where and Back Again)

Fluttershy liked company.

Well, most of the time... some of the time... it depends.

A cup of tea and a few cookies here and there weren't anything new to her, but someone sleeping over? That was out of her normal range.

Now, how about them sleeping over consistently, without ever leaving? That was weird.

Images of the Breezies surfacing in her mind, she realizes that she'll have to tell her company to go home.

But this wasn't like the Breezies.

This was Discord.

Featured on 2/8/17 - 2/9/17

Chapters (1)