• Member Since 1st Dec, 2013

Outcast Traveler

1/29/2023: Thinking about life.

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Anon makes prosthetics, but despite the words of others, he isn't happy with them.

Just a little short story I made while working on another fic. Not sure if I'll do more, but if there's enough interest I have a few ideas for where to go with it.

Edit: This was initially intended to be a short story where it ended after the first chap, but I've since added more at the request of commenters. I plan to continue adding chaps, but I guarantee nothing. Let me know what you think.

Chapters (2)

After living with Nightmare Moon for a while (due to extenuating circumstances), Anon starts to notice a few oddities in her behaviour. Ones he understands all too well, and ones that are fresh on the mind.

In an effort to help her before it gets any worse, he drags her out of Ponyville for a night to talk about life's problems. And maybe cuss out her sister once or twice.

Chapters (3)

Ganondorf, King of Thieves, Lord of Darkness, Master of Evil and Wielder of the Triforce of Power, had long since grown thoroughly and completely bored with the path the gods had decreed for his destiny.

Time after time it was always the same, try and unite the Triforce, plunge the world into darkness for a time, search out and then kidnap Princess Zelda, watch his minions be defeated one after another and then finally battle Link for supremacy. Rinse and repeat.

All the while knowing that regardless of winning or losing, that no matter what he did or didn’t do, that in the end everything would end up repeating itself in another time and place afterwards, again, and again and again, in an utterly pointless never ending cycle.

Having decided that enough was finally enough, and refusing to continue to be a simple pawn at the hands of the gods, he vowed he would find a way to escape from his cumbersome destiny, a way to start anew far beyond the meddling grasp of the gods, a way to reach a realm upon which he could be the master of his own fate.

And after years of careful planning he had finally succeeded.

Sure, the fact he had to drag the know-it-all Princess and the green obsessed Hero along for the ride for his plan to work was a minor inconvenience, but he knew that sometimes sacrifices had to be made. And the fact that this new realm apparently decided to turn him and his two unwilling companions into miniature pastel colored ponies upon arrival also wasn’t exactly part of the plan, but he could cope.

After all, that was a negligible price to pay in achieving his deepest wish: freedom.

In this story Ganondorf, having grown sick of following through the motions his destiny placed before him as the eternal bad guy to be defeated time after time, seeks out to escape from his fate by breaking through the void between dimensions and running away from Hyrule to another realm entirely, Equestria, all the while dragging both Link and Zelda along for the ride.

Arriving long before the founding of the country, back before the events of Heart’s Warming Eve and at the highest point of the conflict between the Three Tribes, he and his two new companions will have to deal with a whole new world and it’s wonders and dangers. All the while this new magical world will have to learn to deal with its three new strange inhabitants in kind.

Just a warning: This is NOT a Displaced fic. All three main characters are the actual characters from the Zelda series that have been taken to Equestria due to Ganondorf’s master plan, and not humans turned into them.

Beta Reader: The Amazing Emtu!
Cover Art: The Incredible swagmu!
Proofreader: The relentless TranquilClaws! (From chp I - XXV)

Featured for the first time! 07/06/2018 to 07/11/2018

Now with a TvTropes page!

Edit: Crossposting at Royalroad where I have the same username.

Chapters (32)

Everyone thinks they're the hero of their own story. Yet nobody wonders just what its like when you swear you're doing the right thing, that everything you're working for is because you have to do it, yet youre seen as the villain for doing so. In a way, I guess that's something I have to deal with nowadays, and whether we like it or not the three of us are in it together.

Cover Art by: MaroonIllustrator

Chapters (36)

This story is a sequel to Played for a Foal

Knowledge of the previous story is not required.

The tale of how Anon, a human completely unrelated to the Crystal Empire's royal family, came to be known as Flurry Heart's uncle is a long one. The important part is that Flurry, now sixteen years old, sees him as a role model. She admires his sense of freedom and his carefree outlook on life. That's what she wants for herself, too. Unfortunately, her parents seem dead set on forcing her to be a picture perfect princess.

Ugh, growing up sucks.

Chapters (1)

While visiting the Crystal Empire with his good friends Twilight and Spike, Anon accidentally makes quite the impression on Princess Flurry Heart, the young child of Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor. However, the foal still has yet to figure out her alicorn magic, and one unfortunate spell later, she and Anon find themselves lost in the wilderness. Now, with nothing but the clothes on his back, Anon will have to brave the unknown to get Flurry Heart back to her home.

If only he was good with kids.

Chapters (1)

A thousand years ago in Equestria, Luna's frustration and desperation has been building for years and years as her social and political isolation grows, but just before Luna's jealousy and resentment can turn into murderous hatred against her sister, a new event triggars Luna's mental collapse and pushes her over the edge. When Luna by circumstance finds herself alone in Celestia's room she reads her sister's diary out of curiosity and discovers all of the disparaging criticism that Celestia has leveled at her over the years about how much of a nuisance Luna has been to her, but has been too polite to say directly to Luna's face.

Luna and Celestia had always supported and stuck with each other all their lives. Even when the common-ponies critisism and shunning of her was at its worst, the knowledge that her sister loved her kept Luna going. The realization that nopony, not even her own sister valued her or thought she was fit for the throne completely shattered whatever remained of her fragile psyche.

And so Luna just gave up...

She gave in...

If no one wanted her there...

Then she wouldn't stay there...

She would leave.

(Image credit: GoatAnimeDatingSim)

Chapters (37)

For nearly one thousand years, the ponies of Equestria had a legend. A legend of a creature who resided in the abandoned Castle of the Two Sisters. An immortal being, one who had near omnipotent powers, but who only appeared in the Castle and its grounds at night, unable to leave. Ponies were wary of the creature, who was only known by the name Djinn, a Saddle Arabian name for a creature who could grant wishes to anypony who was brave enough to approach. This Djinn was unlike any creature known to the world, mostly because nopony who’d ever ventured to the Castle to ask for a wish never could remember what it looked like.

After a death in Ponyville of one mare who attempted to have her wish granted, Princess Celestia herself intervenes and visits her old castle to meet with the Djinn in pony, but is confused by what she finds...


The concept behind this was pitched to me by yakopak.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Death to Nightmare

When Twilight and Selene have an unexpected guest Twilight feels it be a good time for her and Selene to visit her friends in Canterlot High. Especially after the prank Selene pulled on Celestia. However, their vacation runs into unexpected problems as the government and others are now quite interested in the oddities surrounding the high school.

Edited by Twisted Code

Chapters (4)

Anonymous, asshole extraordinaire and a rotten egg by all accounts, has fallen on good times after being made a commander of the Storm King's vast armies. With the King's forces and equipment at his fingers, he's found great success conquering nations, sowing chaos, and kicking the asses of all walks of life. All while having a rip-roaring great time doing it.
But the day of the Storm King's biggest conquest to date - the nation of Equestria - looms just around the corner. All that's left now is the final few preparations for the invasion: loose ends to tie up, new weapons to seize, and even some co-commanders to annoy to no end. And once those are complete, Anon will be the first in line to take Equestria as his next conquest.
God help us all.

This isn't the first horse story I've written, but it is the first one that is prose instead of greentext. And I'm still a bit rusty on top of all that. Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated!

Chapters (12)