Starlight devises a new method of transportation. Twilight is having none of it.
Now with an audio reading by StraightToThePointStudio:
Starlight Is Being Weird - Celeestiaa Starlight Is Being Weeird (Fanfic Reading - Comedy/Random MLP)
Starlight devises a new method of transportation. Twilight is having none of it.
Now with an audio reading by StraightToThePointStudio:
Starlight Is Being Weird - Celeestiaa Starlight Is Being Weeird (Fanfic Reading - Comedy/Random MLP)
Done as a request by Chazkopa who wanted a story of Discord and Fluttershy getting married. Hope you enjoy!
Pharynx and Thorax got into a big fight, and now Pharynx is feeling pretty guilty about it. He flies to Ponyville to maybe get Twilight's advice. She isn't there, but her big brother is.
(Written for the May 2021 Odd Pairing Contest)
Sometimes life's lessons are easiest to learn in our old classrooms, and with our old teachers. Standing on the cusp of her journey as an instructor at the School of Friendship, Scootaloo hopes that her very first teacher can offer her some insight.
Third place in the of the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting 'Colorful Characters #5' contest. The colorful character was Cheerilee, and the prompt was "patience".
Loquaciously prolix Autumn Blaze hires terse Bulk Biceps as a parsimonious expert who can efficiently orient the isolated kirin on Equestria's history.
It was forbidden.(From the contest rules related to word count: "...please don't write an entire encyclopedia on the comprehensive history of Equestria, featuring Autumn Blaze and Bulk Biceps.") Yet, it must be told.
Era: Season 8. (See an index of my stories, sorted by My Little Pony Season).
- Attained the Feature Box (#1 position at highest) on 25/5/2021 and 26/5/2021. Thank you!
- Equestria Daily on Kirin Day 2022/April/17, listed it as a top Kirin-featuring fic. Thank you!
Entry in the May 2021 Pairing Contest. (Contest Folder Link). Not a romance (though seeds of a romance may be planted for the future), just featuring two characters rarely seen working together.
Cover Image from here, with rights to the cover image discussed on that page.
A longer description of the short description of your story.
My thanks to GORynytch for translating this into Russian
Links can be found here. Tabun, FicBook, and PonyFiction
They decided to list it as chapter 2 of the other 404 story.
After failing a math test, Anon returns home to her adoptive mother; Twilight, who attempts to teach Anon basic math. Unfortunately for her, math is harder than it appears.
Will Twilight learn a lesson?
Will Discord cause chaos?
Is Princess Celestia too fat?
Will Anon get the cake?
The answer is mostly yes.
My entry, and now the winner of the Anon Filly Contest
Featured on the day of its posting; 3/6/2020!
With a reading by StraightToThePointStudios!
Before Chrysalis can use the Mean 6 to take the Elements of Harmony, she must first go to her local McDapples and feed them with deliciously healthy fast-food. It doesn't go very well.
Also dapples are the small spots on horses. I don't know, I thought it was clever.
Twilight Sparkle unwittingly makes her first prank phone call. It's... an experience.
I don't know where this came from. It was a stupid random idea, but one that just begged to be written, so I did, and it turned out pretty alright for my first comedy.
Now with a reading on Youtube:
Thanks, Agent Fluffy!
It's been a bad day for you. And it only gets worse when you com home from school to find a changing on your bed, hogging your pillow. Your soft precious pillow, that you'd been looking forward to all day. You're not too happy about it.
Just a little something that I came up with, after thinking about changelings. I'm aware that this isn't a terribly original story idea, and if it seems too much like other stories I'll take it down. Also, this is my first-ish attempt at comedy. You've been warned.