Sunset Shimmer, along with fifteen other individuals, suddenly wakes up to find herself in a strange hotel with no idea how she arrived. They are all trapped inside with a mysterious and terrifying teddy bear calling itself Monokuma.
With no way out, these sixteen strangers are forced into a “Killing Game.” Can Sunset and her new friends survive Monokuma’s maniacal machinations? Who will live and who will die? Will these poor souls fall into Despair? Or will Hope prevail? Thrills, Chills, Kills! Stay tuned to find out!
Would you look at that? It’s another Danganronpa/Equestria Girls crossover. Having been inspired by the works of the wonderfully talented Dewdrops on the Grass and witegrlninja, I’ve decided to try my hand at my own spin on the concept. If you haven’t already, I highly recommend you go and read their stories! This takes place after season nine of Friendship is Magic.
Cover art was sloppily put together by me. Digital art is not my strong suit