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"Please Fluttershy!" Her voice was as angry as a dragon's fire but held a ting of desperateness to it "You don't need your friends, I'm all you need!"

Fluttershy begins to grow confusing feelings towards Starlight Glimmer, so much so she might end up leaving her old life for a chance with the deceptive mare.

But is it going to be by choice or another deceptive lie?

Chapters (2)

"Commonly; I don't really mind ponies. They're cute. However, becoming one wasn't exactly what I had in mind."

L dies, then comes back as a pony after making a deal with Death.

Or he hoped it was Death.

The cover isn't mine, I just had an idea from it and wrote this one shot!

Chapters (1)

Lyra Heartstrings is a up-and-coming musician living in the quiet town of Ponyville. Her marefriend Bon Bon owns and operates Canter Candies, the town's specialty sweets shop. They've been together for years, and everypony around knows what a happy couple they are. But any relationship has its ups and downs, and it's hard to ignore every awkward moment.

Like when Lyra's ex arrives in town.
Because she thinks Lyra still has a thing for her.
Because someone's been impersonating her for the past few years.

...Bon Bon might be in trouble here.

Thanks to Einhander for pre-reading and Exuno for editing!

Now with a reading by Goombasa!

Chapters (5)

The infamous Princess Twilight Sparkle never saved Equestria. The power of four alicorns running through her veins made her go insane.

For her actions against Equestria and its citizens Twilight was outcast to a cold stone prison.

so now all she can do is remember. Be quiet. Be Alone

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie comes home from playing with her friends and seeks the solitude of her bedroom to rest and recuperate. Though, with the tasks of her daily life satisfied, her subconscious rears its head and brings to light that which she hides away in the recesses of her soul. The task of creating and maintaining a mask for the world to see, is a long and arduous one.

Takes place after the events of Season 3 Episode 3: Too Many Pinkie Pies (You need to have seen this episode before reading).

This is a little one shot commission my friend asked of me for his Nightmare Night fun.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie wakes up in an mental institution accompanied by a whole new body, to find her life has been the result of mental illness. How can you cope, when you find out your whole life, has been a lie.

story inspired by
TypewriterError's "Believing Stories"

Cover art http://thelivingmachine02.deviantart.com/art/My-Little-Ponies-217281029

Chapters (7)

Scootaloo, an orange pegasus filly. A cutie mark crusader and a wiz on her scooter. What else is known about her? Nopony is certain of where she came from and why it seems that she and her mother Clear Skies just vanish sometimes. What if the truth about Scootaloo is even more unbelievable then anypony thought. What if in reality there is no Scootaloo.
What if, what if the flightless pegasus...
Was somepony everypony loved and respected.
How would everypony react if they knew the truth.
About the alicorn in pegasus coating.
The Alicorn named, Celestia

Awesome artwork done by my talented friend!

Chapters (2)

"We choose those we like; with those we love, we have no say in the matter."

The inevitable effect of time has hit Ponyville full-force, and with it the trials and tribulations of having to let friends go. Slowly the Mane 6 have drifted away from one another, focused solely on their ever-ascending careers, until only Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy remain. The experiance of letting go again and again has hardened Pinkie's emotions, but when they both meet on a quiet river and bring up the subject, will Fluttershy be able to keep her composure?

Proofread by the immaculate Garbo802

Chapters (1)

"If only I had known then what I know now. Maybe I would have acted differently. Maybe I could have stopped Pinkie from leaving. But there's no way I could have known. The mystery that is Pinkie Pie could never be so easy to figure out. She'd been lying to us all along, hiding who she really was. Maybe she'd always planned to just disappear from our lives for good. But there's one thing I do know, no matter who or what she may really be, she'll always be that silly pony who surprises me when I read in the Library, who threw me a Welcome party when I first came to Ponyville, and who will always be one of my dear friends. And I'll be damned if I don't show her where she really belongs. With her friends."
Note: This story takes place before Twilight becomes a alicorn but after Discord has been reformed.
Edited by: Soto Konoha
Proofread by: Garbo802

Chapters (5)

No one has seen Sunset Shimmer in a week after the Fall Formal. Principal Celestia is getting worried. She doesn't really know much about Sunset Shimmer, but she is aware that she is alone in this world. When Celestia finds Sunset it is worse than she knew. Now, Celestia moves to heal the heart of the girl from another world. It is to be a difficult and hard fought battle against Sunset's own perception of self.

Can Sunset turn her life around from the downward spiral that it is in? Or is she right to believe that she is only a demon and deserves only the worst in life? Sunset's journey to forgiving herself starts with allowing her mentor's alternate into her life, but does she deserve to have the chance to disappoint two Celestias?

Now being edited by devas and The Albinocorn

Featured! August 18th 2014! For all of 10 minutes! Still counts!
Freatured again! September 15 2014! For a much longer time! Last time I update this bit though.

Chapters (4)