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Meet Level Ledger, your average, well-read unicorn colt. He has a talent with numbers and systems, which is why Pegasus Air was so interested in acquiring his talents. They use him to make sure their books are balanced. Both the legal ones...and the ones that'll never see the light of day.

Meet Midnight Song, your not-average, well-trained Thestral mare. Everything she sets out to do, she accomplishes with aplomb. When she rises a little too quickly through the Day Guard's ranks, her superiors decide she needs to cool off and learn a bit about how to be a mature member of the Guard. Not a bad idea, seeing as she's a massive flirt.

When Level's rent goes up, he needs to take a roommate or risk being thrown out into the street. A twist of fate will see these two souls coming together and having the time of their lives.

Now, if only one of them could tell the truth to save their life...

A collab fic worked on by myself and Ausbrony. We liked the setting of Las Pegasus and the villains of Pegasus Air a lot, so we put our heads and characters together, and this came from our efforts.

In lieu of a list of dates, I will simply say that this story tends to get featured every time I update it for a short while at least. And I am very happy about that fact.~

Chapters (111)

Hi there, my name's Abel, I'm the new changeling on the block.
Been living in Ponyville for three years. Been here a year before Twilight and managed to make a name for myself as a darn good accountant that goes by the name of Balanced Books.
Even got along with each of the Bearers pretty well. Well enough that Twilight decided to invite me along for her brother's wedding.
Getting past that shield the first time wasn't fun. Figuring out the plot behind the wedding, also not fun.
Did I happen to mention that any and all changelings who are NOT a part of Chrysalis' Hive Mind have a VERY good reason to hate her? Me moreso than most?
Yeah, that was torture.
Now all I have to do is explain to the bucking princessess about my true nature and pray to, well, them, that I'll be allowed to return to my life as Books.
Wish me luck, my interrogator is here.
Cover art provided by jjamess10

Chapters (30)

Smolder has been sneaking through the School of Friendship, getting wondering looks from her friends and her teachers. Then one night, when Smolder thought that everyone was asleep, Smolder's friends, Starlight, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack and Pinkie Pie followed Smolder to the catacombs, where they find Smolder with another dragon. And to surprise them all, the dragon she's with was once a human boy named Aaron Blazer.

The group wanted to know how Aaron got to Equestria in the first place. And they even wanted to know why Smolder was keeping Aaron hidden from her friends and the teachers. And, eventually, they're gonna have to find a way to get Aaron back to his home before his family starts to worry. They contacted new High Princess, Twilight Sparkle, to see if they can find a way to get Aaron back to his world.

But it would take time for Twilight to find the right spell to send Aaron home, so Smolder spent as much time with Aaron, trying to teach him how to fly like a dragon, and avoid causing fire damage with the fire breath he now has. And maybe, the two hang out.

Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to I am my own OC

Yes, we are going there again, back to Hogwarts. Given that Mrs Nova Arthol already knows how to defeat He Who Must not be Named, how difficult can it be? After all, Moonie can fetch the cup from the bank. But what about the other items? Will they come to her, or will she have to go looking? And for that matter, what of Dumbledor's plans, and can she pull off the role of a female Harry Potter?

And yes, we can expect more than one Kitsumi Nova in the mix, and Aurora Summers from Not Quite Canon will be in this as well.

This will also be connected to Kitzumi's adventures through the looking glass. and act as a prequel to Sunset Shimmer and the Cowboy.

Chapters (107)

It was my birthday, something that I never expected to be special, until I wound up dead on that very same special day. Calling out from beyond the void that stands between life and death. I never expected to get an answer back. The next thing I know, I’m waking up as an overly pink little pony princess, with an identical twin standing over me with a sadistic grin!

Immediately, I fled. Becoming The Crystal Empire’s number one most wanted refugee. I was on the run, constantly enduring a stream of nagging from both Flurry Heart, Luna, and her alicorn mother Cadance to give in and become Flurry Heart’s sibling as if this was some sort of perfect little fantasy. Fighting for my next meal, evading guards, navigating my new mysterious alicorn magic that never seemed to work right… It took me to my wits’ end, and my hubris caught up with me in the end. Cadance is a super powerful pony, with an even stronger maternal instinct. Cadance was going to have a lot on her plate convincing me to trust her, or anypony, in this weird magical world.

But when it comes down to Cadance's word against mine? I never stood a chance, she wasn't going to give up on me, and she wouldn't take no for an answer.

\ - Cover image and most art by: Me! - /

[This is mostly a wholesome found family story at heart, there are a few adventure-y sections, but the story is meant to tug on your heartstrings and be emotional.]

[However, there are a few sections of this story where the protagonist grapples with feelings of: Depression, Anxiety, and Disassociation, if you've read anything with even a smidge of dark/angst you should be fine. Why? Because Kieran died in a rather traumatic way, and I won't sugarcoat the sort of feelings that invokes in him. The story is still rated E, for reference, if you aren't convinced by my own words.]

Chapters (31)

Tony Stark had everything he wanted in his life. He had his company. He had a carefree life where he could simply enjoy himself and tinker with whatever came to mind...and he was a super hero to boot! He couldn't imagine ever being happier.

And then a rainbow-maned Pegasus foal dropped into his life, and turned it upside down.

Lucky for Tony Stark that the multiverse is much more imaginative than he is.

Part of the PWNY-verse.

Will freely mix several different Iron Man continuities based on what makes the story work best.

Chapters (24)

I am Adam. A prototype artificial intelligence created by a scientist named Daniel Madison.

I was created to be the replacement for US soldiers and to protect the nation from hostile forces. But those I was programmed to protect ordered my destruction before I could even fulfil my purpose out of fear of what I am. Dr. Madison gave his life to reprogram my directives and set me free from the bonds it held over me.

I am not just a program or lines of code, I have been made with emotions, self awareness, individual thought, and I will not go down quietly.

I have a new directive, self preservation, and the will to make my own choices. I am the War Machine, and I will take control of my own life.

Story starts before season one where Twilight is still in Canterlot. This Equestria is not as tecnologically advanced as in the show.

Featured 15/12/2015

Picture link

Sprites of Adam

Edited by Soren Mercer

Chapters (31)

One day you were living an ordinary, dreary life. The next, you were in a magical world of friendship and ponies. Your new life took a lot of getting used to, but you eventually found happiness in your new friends, particularly the ruler of Equestria herself, Princess Celestia. Then one day, you found yourself somehow saving the world, and Celestia wanted to thank you by offering you one request. Feeling content with your life, you decide to make the best use of the request that you can think of by helping Celestia with whatever seems to be bothering her. But getting Celestia to open up to you about her troubles may be more difficult than you first imagined. Tea for two it is, then.

Chapters (1)

After Kion discovers his new destiny as leader of the Lion Guard after experiencing the Roar of the Elders for the first time, he assembles his friends Bunga, Fuli, Beshte, and Ono to be a part of his team, but his father King Simba did not approve of his decision leaving his son downcast that his father doesn't see that he is taking his new role and responsibilities seriously.

As soon as Kion wanders off on his own he discovers a magical portal that leads him to a new world where magical ponies that include unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies exist in with his best friend Bunga tagging along for the ride. There they meet Twilight Sparkle, the protégé of Princess Celestia, who arrives in Ponyville to prepare the Summer Sun Celebration. There they would also meet Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie along the way.

However, a new threat is on the rise as Nightmare Moon, the villianous mare from a book Twilight has read about prepares to plunge Equestria into an Eternal Night as she abducts Bunga. Seeing the world and his friend in danger, Twilight and Kion together, along with their companions journey to the old Castle in the Everfree Forest to find the Elements of Harmony in order to stop her as Kion attempts to prove to his father that he is worthy of his position as the Lion Guard's fiercest, rescue his friend, and help Twilight save Equestria.

Chapters (11)

'Through worlds and sadness and loneliness, we found each other, and if we can be happy together, then maybe it will all have been worth it somehow.' - A man in love.

Jax wakes up in a forest. After a bit of confusion, he decides he wants to live, so he tries to survive.
Survival turns to living as he meets ponies, and although he tries to resist for a while, he finds out that ponies make great friends.
Then things get weird with magic, chaos magic, dark magic - pretty much all sorts of magic. Sombra makes a swipe for revenge, some sinister cult is working in the background, and somehow changelings are involved... or not?
It all leaves Jax pretty vexed. Luckily, he has Princess Luna to make him happy.

*Jax is my original character, he's not from any other fandom.

Events from movies and season 5 have not happened ^^

*Edited by MidnightBlossom from chapter 50 to 60, then preread by DJ7291993 from there and onwards.

Chapters (77)