• Member Since 12th Jan, 2016


Ponyville Botanist by day. Wholesome vore writer by night.

Jam Fics 11 stories
  • Jam Fics 11 stories Fics I've done for a Writing Jam. Usually shorter/rougher.
    Created by Withania
    - August, 2019
Found 1 stories in 45ms
Total Words: 1,538
Estimated Reading: 6 minutes


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  • My Fics 10 stories Stuff I've written for myself

  • Jam Fics 11 stories Fics I've done for a Writing Jam. Usually shorter/rougher.


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Withania has pancakes for breakfast on April 1st. She adds blueberries that a good friend gave her. Inflation ensues.

A quick one-shot I wanted to try out. Not super into blueberry inflation, but I do love transformation, which kinda goes hoof-in-hoof.

Cinderheart is a good friend who put the idea in my head with a slight edit to the gift art on the cover!
Also this might be my first non-M-rated story, so if it's the only one you can see, check that good ol' filter!

Chapters (1)