• Member Since 13th May, 2015


There are some who say that no true story never ends. There are others who say that there is only one true story and that we are all a part of it.

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This story is a sequel to The Growing Years

Flix is often looked over when thinking about Herd Path's latest generation. Hes not an alicorn, hes not a world leader, hes not a fantastic warrior, and hes not a changeling queen. He is however almost constant pain in his parent's side AND Discord's number two greatest student (He could never beat screwball). He's never in the spotlight and that's just how he likes it! The following is the adventures of Flix the Hippogriff

Chapters (24)

Equestria has faced an ever expanding list of enemies and disasters ever since the famed Nightmare Moon's return. Tirek's country wide rampage was the worst in many generations leaving the princesses' public image in tatters, while the certainty of the nation is at most questionable.

Some even cry for their abdication with more favoring the young Twilight Sparkle all together. So what does a nation do or say when a strange unicorn suddenly arrives in Canterlot claiming to be just as if not more powerful than the princesses?

Simple, you have Idol Hooves be her escort, and pray he doesn't offer her a massage.

Chapters (4)

On the day of the Summer Sun Ceremony, the Divine Radiance sent forth to the town of Ponyville her beloved and Faithful Disciple, who with the Blessed Hatchling of Light were to proclaim the word of the Sun and prepare the way for the coming of the Divine Radiance and the miracle of the Rising of the Sun the next morn.

But dark forces lay in wait for the Faithful, and many were the trials she was to endure before her task would be complete.

Editors: Bad Horse, Tek, and Various Divine Beings Who Shall Remain Nameless
Cover Art - Pope Celestia by Kippzu, I think.

Chapters (5)

Blaise and Cyrus Peregrine seek to solve the mystery of the Mayan temple named for the horse - an animal that was unknown in the Americas until Europeans brought them over long after the Mayan civilization fell. They find a lot more than they bargained for and become entangled in the new worlds they discovered.

Chapters (10)

Everyone has something precious to them. Soon, Applejack and Rainbow Dash will discover just what is important to them.

My entry in the AppleDash contest #5

Continuity: Homecoming

Popular stories: 8-28-17

Chapters (6)

Barnstormer is a 14 year old colt who lived a normal life out in the country, but an act of extreme courage catapulted him
to the coveted role of Alicorn.

He now needs to learn to control his newfound power, find his place in the world, and try not to lose himself in the process.

Chapters (1)

3/14/24 Still Alive Edition

There's only one pony in Ponyville that the Mane Six have never met. Pinkie Pie has never thrown him a party, Applejack has never sold him a mug of cider, and Twilight has never seen him check out any books. And as far as that unicorn, Lapis Print, is concerned, that's exactly how it should be.

Lapis can't risk them knowing where he lives, what he does for a living, or even what his name is - if he gets his way, the Mane Six won't even know he exists, and nopony in Ponyville will miss him once he's gone.

It should be a piece of cake - after all, it's not like the biggest magical power in Equestria is about making sure everypony looks out for each other, right?

(Rated Teen for language - mental cursing mostly.)

Chapters (19)

When anon woke up he didn't expect an adorable yellow pony to stare at him in his bed. Scratch that, he didn't expect a talking yellow pony in his bed.

Now what will they do?

Decided to do write something cute instead of whatever the hell my other story is. I might write some stuff here whenever I feel like I'm too burnt out from my other story.

Romance in this story is a big maybe.

The reason why this story is on hiatus can be seen here

Chapters (3)

One fateful day, a simple man is ripped from his comfortable bed, and is swung across realities into a world not his own and a body eerily familiar to him.

He now has the eldritch powers of a certain pink earth pony. What will he do with said power? Only time will tell.

The shitposting and references have been doubled!

Thanks for the feature! 7/5/24 - 11/5/24 And nearly the top of popular!
Holy moly, featured again right after posting chapter 2. Thank you.

Here's the link to the original cover art image

[This will be randomly updated whenever I feel like it]

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Bedbound (And Beyond)

More settled now, and with all of that obliviousness cleared out of the way, John and Celestia attempt to work out a comfortable rhythm in life and generally just try to enjoy themselves in their own singular way.

Possibly there may be obstacles in this. Probably not though.

Probability of cake, tea and cuddling. Among other things.

Chapters (31)