Centuries ago an apocalypse ravaged Equestria, scorching the lands, boiling the seas, and burning away the air. In that fateful moment, the embers of life were snuffed and the planet left a husk.
However, I survived, immune to the desolate environment I was unfortunate enough to inhabit. With nothing left to do, I began to walk, scouring what remains of Equestria in search of anything to give my life meaning.
It was only a matter of time before I returned to Ponyville.
So much thanks to my fantastic editors, Matthewl419 and Tempus.
The original concept for this fic received an honourable mention at 2018's Iron Author Contest at Everfree Northwest. You can find the original unedited copy here.
Featured in Seattle's Angels Round 156, which is pretty freaking rad!
"This story’s writing is something I find truly to be beautiful at times. Both in its descriptives and in its internal struggle it paints for Twilight." - A+ Review, Vertigo22 (09/05/2019)
"Gara’s devoted this story’s space to exploring that wide open introspective feeling, and I adore what she’s done with that." - Cynewulf