• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2019


*Something smart and witty*

Good Stuff 53 stories
  • Good Stuff 53 stories Other Stuff i Like (Or at the very least- stuff I'm keeping an eye on)
    Created by Lynser
    - March, 2019
Found 39 stories in 60ms

Total Words: 1,546,450
Estimated Reading: 4 days


  • Favourites 36 stories - 169 unread chapters Hey, i like this

  • Good Stuff 53 stories Other Stuff i Like (Or at the very least- stuff I'm keeping an eye on)

  • Gold 6 stories - 121 unread chapters True Outstanders and Classics- at least in my opinion.

  • That Story 1 stories - 0 unread chapters You know the one. Your favourite story. The one that inspired you to write. The one that got you going. That first made you pick up the pen, and deign to share it with others. This is mine. Read it, please.


  • Featured 24431 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 173 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Luna has been more tired than usual. Celestia is worried about her wellbeing, so she asks Anon for his help, not only because she's been extremely busy with her royal duties, but also he's dating Luna, so it makes the most sense for him to help. What Anon discovers makes him wonder if pigs do really fly.

They don't, but hey, could you really blame him for asking?

Tagged Sex for references to the act. Also majority of the fic was written in three hours.

Cover art by magnaluna.

Chapters (2)

Cloudchaser is the perfect big sister: cool, calm, collected, and carefree. Flitter is a lot of things – most of them insanely annoying – but she’ll always see her sister as a true paragon.

That’s because Cloudchaser’s determined to act like one. Always. No matter what the cost.

So when they both apply for the Wonderbolt Academy, and only one of them gets in, it’s a very bad time to let the façade crack under the sudden pressure.

Then again, why not crack? After all, she’s walked on the edge of the storm every day. She has to stop acting sometime.

Storms that strong can’t hide forever.

Chapters (1)

This story takes place in an AU where Cadance and Shining Armor never got together. The world is otherwise unchanged.

The "Princess of Love" has many duties. Ruling over the Crystal Empire is, of course, her top priority, but she also oversees all matters relating to love.

...Well, that's a bit of a lie. While she is gifted in love magic, she rarely uses it. Love isn't something to be played with, after all. Still, that won't stop her from enjoying her super-secret hobby that absolutely no one is allowed to know about.

Except Anon. She likes him.

Day #7 of Hearts and Hands Week.

Chapters (1)

Decades after the last Friendship Report arrived, a burst of green dragon flame ignited the darkness in Princess Celestia's room.

Although the contents of the letter remain unknown to the public, it's been noted by servants of the Crown, that the Princess abruptly cancelled all of her visits for the day and wasn't seen until the next one.

When questioned, Her Highness simply gave the audience a bittersweet smile before explaining that she was paying respects to an old friend.

A short-story that diverges at Magical Mystery Cure.

Edited by Equimorto, with additional help by Jinxed and an Anon of /fimfic/.

Chapters (1)

Usually stories would contain crazy adventures and friendships blossoming within Equestria but this isn't some fantasy with a high at the end...

This is about Astral, a human stuck in the world that just isn't okay with how things are going. A journal is made in hopes to raise his spirits and help him through his feelings.

Chapters (1)

A young boy in the city dreams of seeing the stars through the smog. Far away, somepony hears his dreams.

Speedwrite on a whim after having a fleeting thought upon sending a friend a picture of the night sky I took while on vacation once. Well, if you can call about three, four, hours a speedwrite.

Chapters (1)

Sun, sea, sand, and your marefriend by your side.

What more could Lyra and Bon Bon want?

AUTHOR'S NOTE: A tag has been deliberately left out for reasons that will become apparent when you read the story.

Pre-read by Thesmokinguy, Contentgremlin, Buck Swisher and Lynser.

Chapters (1)

You just want to be left alone. Pinkie won't let that happen. She's been there.

Lighter, fluffier sequel: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/373623/youre-getting-better

Chapters (1)

Equestria has witnessed centuries of rapid technological advancement during Twilight's rule. Innovations in the production and integration of magic has led to countless improvements in the quality and efficiency of life in Equestria, and enabling ponies to finally touch the stars and new worlds. However, with the rise of more and more energy-heavy processes and a stagnation in development regarding the extraction of energy, Twilight turns to the biggest and final step in energy extraction: a dyson sphere: a massive device that would surround the sun and allow virtually all the energy released through nuclear fusion to be harnessed by Equestria.

Two former princesses have some concerns.

Written as an entry for the Science Fiction Contest III.

Chapters (1)

'Tis a night like any other. We have raised the moon, Tia has fallen into slumber, the guards are passing Us confused glances, We—


Self-edited this time.
Cover art by Lortstreet54

A (very) short one-shot written and edited in less than two hours while sitting in a hospital bed.

Chapters (1)