Six ponies. Two(?) at a time. One situation. No more rules. The Pony Permutation Project's formula is taken to new, twisted and exciting ends in this unofficial miniseries! Good little fillies and colts shouldn't read this!
Episode 1: Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash talk about what they want out of life. But when Twilight reveals a little too much, will Rainbow see her any differently?
Episode 2: Another stormy night, another slumber party at Twilight’s--but with Applejack and Rarity once again forced to share a bed, can it stay on the rails?
Episode 3: Gilda’s back, and trying to take Rainbow Dash away for keeps! Fluttershy decides that she has a problem with this--but has everyone’s favorite meek pegasus bitten off more than she can chew? |
Episode 4: ???
Episode FINAL: ?