• Member Since 26th Oct, 2013


Decided to update my bio finally. So if you're curious about my pic the link will be right here. https://purplestar01.deviantart.com/art/Melody-Of-The-Night-660088632

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Where are you going, little one, little one?
Turn around and you're just hatched,
Turn around and play a game,
Turn around and you're a changeling princess who will soon be Perfect!

Chrysalis had a happy childhood, er, grubhood. Raised in the hallowed tradition of changeling princesses, she studied hard, played pranks, and loved her siblings. It was all so... perfect! Then one day the illusions around which she had built her life were revealed, and everything came crashing down...

This story is an entry in FanofMostEverything's Imposing Sovereigns contest.

Edited by Nevina and original artwork by Mythee

Chapters (1)

Twilight's clone barely escaped her grisly end, and is seeking refuge in the large city of Manehattan. She's quite fine with going it alone, until she spots somepony just like her.

Inspired by the Cover Art by Badumsquish

Chapters (1)

In the beginning, The Great Weaver brought together the world, from the mountains to the forests. Stitching it together, the Great Tapestry connects all living and nonliving things.

The Changelings found themselves especially connected to this Tapestry. Legend says that the first Changelings fell through the world as it was woven together, only to be caught on the First Weave beneath it all.

But what happens when something else is caught in the Weave?

Prince Phasmatodea, son of Queen Chrysalis, remembers what it was like before he hatched. He remembers being a human. He remembers dying. And he fully intends on avoiding another death.

But being gifted a new life does not matter when one failure, one false step, will lead to your untimely demise in the Changeling hive, for Prince Phasma must survive his toughest adversary from the start: Mother Dearest.

Cover art as of 1/18/21 by Nixworld

Chapters (151)

Quincy was but a mute. He couldn't stand the harassment and cruelty of other ponies, so he left to live by himself. Of course, it does get boring when your alone.

Think of this as a parody of all the Slendermane stories that have been popping up.
Edited by Alb388.

Chapters (1)

Hearth's Warming traditions are often the same for ponies and creatures as they are every year, but this year Tempest gets to experience something new and different. And she learns that changelings are used to new and different.

Cover art by Raystarkitty

This was written for Melody Song as a part of Jinglemas 2020! For more information about Jinglemas, checkout our group!

Dramatic reading by Melody Song themselves can be found here!

Chapters (1)

Tracy Maxwell is in a desperate situation: find somewhere to live, or lose the internship he needs to survive. After exhausting every property in the city, one last option appears the day before his deadline. Sure the agent selling the place is a little weird, and more than a little overeager to get the property signed off. At the worst, maybe there's a little mold in the bathroom somewhere, and he has to make do until the lease is up.

But then he steps inside and discovers things can be much worse. The property is in another universe, and while he's there he'll have to play by its rules. He's free to continue working his dream job, so long as he keeps to the contract. Even worse, he's got a roommate who has no intention of leaving him alone.

If he ever wants to escape, he'll have to read the Fine Print.

This story now has a hardcover! If you'd like one of your own, you can grab it here: https://starscribe.net/

This story is a commission by _Kenzu_!

Chapters (68)

Pumpkin Munch the bat pony finds a baby on her doorstep one day, and she can’t wait to show everypony in Ponyville. Nopony can resist a cute little baby, after all. And it’s not just any baby, either; it’s a changeling baby! A rare subcategory of baby, indeed. That’ll get everypony talking.

Hopefully everypony.

Chapters (1)

Apple Bloom is bringing over her ‘colt friend’ for dinner, but she and the rest of the apple family have some concerns that the Apple's matriarch may not be progressive enough to accept this new relationship.

Inspired by a conversation with Nova Quill.

Wonderful cover art by ALSO by Nova Quill.

Chapters (1)

Mister Lonely Heart has had to imitate a wide variety of ponies that his clients scream and yell at. When Applejack asks him to imitate her deceased father, he finds out not only Applejack's darkest secret, but other family secrets as well.
This is a sequel to Mister Lonely Heart.

Chapters (1)

When King Thorax released his reformed changelings into Equestria, Mister Lonely Heart set up shop in Ponyville as a "Grievance Counselor". He mimics ponies that his clients have ugly history with. Twilight Sparkle asks him to do a special job that reveals how deeply troubled her personal life really is.

Featured on 6/15/17! First time ever! Yowzah!🎃
TheDizzyDan did a great Youtube reading!IN THIS LINK!

Chapters (1)