• Member Since 27th Oct, 2018

Tranquil Serenity

I am a one-shot writer who loves Slice of Life tales and hearing from readers who enjoy my stories. Click on my blogs for an MLP poem.

Superb stories 2 stories
Found 2 stories in 24ms
Total Words: 9,086
Estimated Reading: 36 minutes



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Fluttershy’s struggle with her crippling shyness seemed to be over, now that she had six best friends whisking her off on adventures on a regular basis. Her therapist had other ideas, such as her making a new pony friend all on her own. Her attempt to fulfill that challenge, by way of introducing herself to the first pony to cross her path, didn’t go at all like she expected.

A season one romance.

Featured by Seattle’s Angels
Featured on Equestria Daily
Third place winner in JakeTheArmyGuy's Horse Words Extravaganza!
Edited by Themaskedferret

Chapters (6)