Twilight thought it was all so real-- the crisp morning air, the warmth of the rising sun, the ponies that went about their day-- it all seemed real to her. Yet, with the breaking of a single connection, everything comes crashing down, leaving a very confused girl wearing a VR headset.
Maybe she can still relog.
Preread by Thunderous, Babroniedad, EverfreePony, and No name 13, with additional assistance provided by the Write On! community. Formerly preread by Doggyshakespeare and JetXPegasusWWN.
Cover art drawn in collaboration between Momoruuu and myself.
Based off of a chapter from What If...?
A total rewrite of the original Pony-Me™. Want more Pony-Me™ after you finish reading? Here's an original fiction spin on the story for ya.
Story structure: Story arc ◈ Chapter title