Pony-Me™ 6 stories
  • Pony-Me™ 6 stories Stories and spinoffs relating to the Pony-Me™ universe
    Created by TheMajorTechie
    - October, 2018
Found 7 stories in 36ms

Total Words: 132,480
Estimated Reading: 8 hours



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Twilight thought it was all so real-- the crisp morning air, the warmth of the rising sun, the ponies that went about their day-- it all seemed real to her. Yet, with the breaking of a single connection, everything comes crashing down, leaving a very confused girl wearing a VR headset.

Maybe she can still relog.

Preread by Thunderous, Babroniedad, EverfreePony, and No name 13, with additional assistance provided by the Write On! community. Formerly preread by Doggyshakespeare and JetXPegasusWWN.

Cover art drawn in collaboration between Momoruuu and myself.

Based off of a chapter from What If...?

A total rewrite of the original Pony-Me™. Want more Pony-Me™ after you finish reading? Here's an original fiction spin on the story for ya.

Story structure: Story arc ◈ Chapter title

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to Pony-Me™

Concepts from this canceled sequel will be written instead into the Pony-Me™ reboot, as part of an overhaul to the overall plot.

Elise Fairchild is a pretty standard nerdy girl, by all accounts. She's got smarts, (a couple) friends, and some great mentors, to top it all off. But, there's one more thing that sets her apart from the rest: one of her mentors is Twilight Sparkle herself.

Lisa Garnet's seen quite a bit over the past few years. She'd woken up from a simulated Equestria, just to give an idea of things. Though, while saying goodbye to the world she knew and loved certainly was hard at first, she eventually came to fully embrace the one she now lives in. Too bad life just doesn't leave her alone.

Being a direct sequel, it is highly recommended that you read the original first.

Just like the original, this story is based on a chapter from What If. :twilightsmile:

A rewrite of the legacy edition of this story.

Preread by Thunderous, JetXPegasusWWN, Babroniedad, and Ponyess.

Formerly preread by Rezyl.

Cover art by myself, using Tr1nks1e's drawing of Luster Dawn's cutie mark.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Pony-Me™

This story has been rewritten. Check it out here!

Elise Fairchild was your average, run-of-the-mill high school girl. She had friends, she had interests, and more often than not, she'd found herself wondering about the future. One day, she's presented with the opportunity of a lifetime.

It's a good thing she didn't have anything better to do.

Being a direct sequel, it is highly recommended that you read the original first.

Just like the original, this story is based on a chapter from What If. :twilightsmile:

Preread by Thunderous, JetXPegasusWWN, and Babroniedad.

Formerly preread by Rezyl.

Cover art by myself, using Tr1nks1e's drawing of Luster Dawn's cutie mark.

Chapters (6)

Lisa Garnet has an imaginary friend. She's a pony, because she likes ponies. Her name is Celestia.

Lisa Garnet lost her parents one day, and she was sad.

Lisa Garnet had an imaginary friend, but now she's real.

Lisa Garnet is Twilight Sparkle, in her own little reality.

Celebrating a full year of Pony-Me™! Thanks for all the support! :twilightsmile:

Just like the original, the cover art is made in collaboration between myself and Momoruuu.

Chapters (1)

This story is mostly non-canon to the official story, linked below. It's recommended, but not entirely necessary to read the original story before this one.

What happens when you realize that your life is a simulation? Well, you put the headset back on... or you could just chuck the thing out the window and freak out.

Though this story honestly isn't quite as serious as the original, feedback and criticism is still greatly appreciated. :twilightsmile:

Cover art courtesy of Pixabay stock images.

Join the Pony-Me discord server!

Chapters (23)

Twilight thought it was all so real. The ponies, the grass, the air, the shining light of the day. With the breaking of a single connection, everything comes crashing down, leaving a very confused human girl wearing a VR headset.

Good thing she can relog.

Preread by Babroniedad, Twilight Connor, Drakos779966, and Doggyshakespeare.

Now featured in GMBlackjack's The League of Sweetie Belles!

Formerly preread by Silence_EXE, deadpansnarker, TRIBOT 3000, and Naga is alive.
Original fiction spinoff edited by Undyne Devotion, EverfreePony, and RQK.

Join the Pony-Me discord server! Or try the group, if that's more fitting.

Cover art drawn in collaboration between Momoruuu and myself.

Based off of a chapter from What If...?

Read Pony-Me™: Outtakes for scrapped content, sneaky references, and more!

Now with a (somewhat) spinoff story by Undead Equestrian Writer!

Reviewed by The Reviewers' Cafe!
Reviewed by My little Reviews & Feedback!

Table of Contents:
Wake up. - Bonus #2: Epilogue 1: Part 1
...Or go on. - Bonus #5: Epilogue 2: Part 2

The Pony-Me Universal Framework (As of the beginning of Part 3)

Chapters (50)

A pseudo-sequel to Pony-Me.

Please note that this story is an AU that splits off of the main Pony-Me™ canon, and thus isn't a true sequel.

This story is no longer canon to the universe of Pony-Me.

Twilight Sparkle isn't exactly herself anymore... or at least, wasn't exactly herself anymore.

The past two weeks had seen her torn from Equestria, thrust into a new world with a new body she didn't even have control over, and worst of all, stripped of her own free will... at least, until now.

Lisa Garnet isn't exactly having a good time.

The past two weeks have sent her spiraling into her past, from rediscovering old friends, to finding the man who'd raised her from childhood. The worst of it? She doesn't even have a physical body anymore.

An AU of the original Pony-Me, splitting off after the chapter "Split Lives". Join the Discord if you'd like to discuss the story!

NOTE: With the main story finally over and this particular AU no longer being viable, I will now be recategorizing this story from semi-permanent hiatus to cancelled. Sorry.

Chapters (5)