• Member Since 7th Jul, 2018


Loved My Little Pony Since 2013

Best of TwiDash 3 stories
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Total Words: 8,516
Estimated Reading: 34 minutes



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Twilight is stuck in a lengthy diplomatic meeting and can’t spend her time with the other girls during their beach vacation. Her being away causes Rainbow quite some distress – not only because she’s missing her, but also because there is a thing she needs to discuss with Twilight.

So when Twilight starts sending letters, Rainbow is excited. And she decides that she doesn’t care if Twilight is on a tight schedule – Rainbow Dash wouldn’t be Rainbow Dash if she couldn’t come up with a solution!

Written for the Third TwiDash Group Contest.

Cover art credits: Rainbow Dash, scroll, ink and quill, Twilight Sparkle.

Chapters (3)

It's valentine's Day.Twilight has a crush on Rainbow dash.
Twidash confirms.:twilightsmile:

Cover image by https://www.deviantart.com/shikimaakemi

Hope you like it! It's meh first fic >u

Chapters (1)