• Member Since 7th Jul, 2018


Loved My Little Pony Since 2013

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This story is a sequel to Celestia's Alliance

Sombra and Luna are settled in the Castle of the Two Sisters and Celestia, mistrustful of her former enemy's motives has allied herself with Twilight, preparing for the worst.

Then, one morning the moon won't set ...

This is the final episode in the five part Luna's Bump series.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Luna's Bump

Princess Luna is having her foal.

The best medical staff are at hoof to ensure a safe delivery that can be celebrated across Equestria, but there is one more surprise left.

This story can be continued further to Luna's Tryst.

Chapters (1)

This fic is set between S2 E04 "Luna Eclipsed" and S2 E25 "A Canterlot Wedding".

Everypony deserves a chance and nopony upholds that principle better than Equestria’s leaders, the Royal Princesses.

This is not without risk and compassion can trump judgement, so what would be the cost when they find their trust has been misplaced?

Chapters (11)

Friends don’t have to be the same, they just have to be there for one another.

Scootaloo makes a friend with somepony she had never considered before.

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna is going to have a foal, and the big day isn’t far away.

With little time left before the young one arrives, she finds herself having to cope with the realities of carrying a foal inside her as well as confronting all those issues that only an expectant alicorn can ever fully understand.

Now a brilliant dramatic reading by the wonderful Agent Fluffy!
Thank you so very much! :twilightblush:

This can be read as a stand-alone story or continued to its sequel Luna's Foal.

Please note: The artwork is not mine, but one of my favorite ever pictures of Luna. It was created by the very talented Adlynh and I will take it down if the artist requests.

Chapters (1)