• Member Since 17th Jun, 2018


Constantly distracted by shenanigans. Empowered by comments/messages. Exists as something between utter trash and the alicorn of comedy.

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Celestia has been putting off a very important conversation for far too long. Her friends and family send her some letters telling her the truth.

Celestia is not good at the whole being in love thing.

Thanks to a good friend for helping edit my garbage writing.

Now without a sequel because it was forced and kind of terrible. If anyone else wants to take a crack at a sequel to this feel free.

Chapters (1)

In chapter 32 of Responsibilities Discord turned Blank Page into a mare for a "short" time. This here is a take on how it could have turned out differently.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Eclipse

Page needs a vacation.

He's not getting a vacation.

What he does get, is... how do they put it? Brand new exciting opportunities.
He never wanted to be a Prince, nor to rule. But he's stuck with the job, which means having ponies relying on him.
So he's doing his best.
Which would be fine, except ponies seem happy to keep finding brand new ways to make it harder for him.

Chapters (40)

It's been 10 months since Anon stumbled out of the Everfree, and as far as Rainbow was concerned, he was the coolest creature in Ponyville, except herself of course.

So when Rainbow sees smoke rising from the Libary Anon and Twilight were currently living, of course, she'd rush to the rescue, to save Twilight of course.

Massive thanks to Maonyman for letting me use their awesome work as the cover - https://derpibooru.org/profiles/Maonyman

Note - The name is purely because Anon doesn't have hooves, making a story about shoes is a concept someone else can write.

Chapters (1)

Nightmare Moon rules Equestria with an iron hoof. Her reign is glorious, and her methods are cruel. On top of that, her short fuse is known across the land as the most dangerous weapon Equestria has ever seen.

This rage tends to be a problem when it is unleashed around her husband, Anon. The poor human is very squishy, and although it's unintentional, he often bears the brunt of her fury. This can sometimes be... fatal.

Thankfully, Nightmare Moon has mastered a spell to make this less of a problem. Nothing will come between her and her husband. Not even death.

...Something that Anon has grown uncomfortably used to.

Chapters (1)

You aren’t really sure what happened last night—all you know is that you’ve woken up in a bed that isn’t yours, and you’re pressed up against something very warm, and very fluffy… that just moved?

…Oh boy.


A couple of notes: This story does not contain sex, but it does contain references to it. Also, Anon has been written as a woman in this story.

Cover art by TheBatFang!

Chapters (1)

A simple story between Equestria's resident human, and a certain cyan pegasus mare.

I just felt like doing something short, sweet, and simple. :heart:

Art Belong To: iloota

Chapters (1)

For obvious reasons, Hearts and Hooves Day has always been Cadance's favorite holiday. She and Shining Armor like to spend the holiday in Ponyville, but while Shining is busy making preparations for the evening, Cadance was hoping to meet up with Twilight to tease Anon for being single. Again. To their surprise, he has gone missing. Now, the hunt is on for Ponyville's resident human. Did he really get a special somepony, or is he just trying to avoid the princess of love again?

Meanwhile, Anon isn't aware that his whereabouts are a secret.

Chapters (2)

After some convincing from the girls, Anonymous decides that it’s finally time to take the plunge and walk around without his clothes on. He starts off small by going shirtless in public and it feels amazing --- especially during an uncomfortable hot day in Ponyville. As the days go on, and he becomes more and more naked, Anon feels more alive than ever. And the fact that Twilight and the others become flustered whenever he’s around? Well, that’s just a bonus.

Inspired by 3lewd5me, performed by Wuten

*Features Irish!Anon but is NOT connected to the main TLSOD universe.

Rated TEEN for strong language and suggestive sexual themes.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Looking Glass

Page is stuck. He never wanted to be a Prince. But he can't just... stop. Ponies are depending on him now and he's feeling the pressure.

Being a Prince isn't all that it's cracked up to be. It's all work and so much responsibility. Ponies plot against you constantly. Luckily, sometimes it's for your own good.

Other times... not.

Big thanks to Arratra for betaing this one.

Chapters (56)