• Member Since 19th Mar, 2018

Terry the human

A southern brony that loves to read and write. My oc Heat Wave and I are ready to explore this big huge site.

Terry's all time favorites 65 stories
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Hello. I used to be the frontman of a small emerging band called ‘Northern Chalet.’ I also used to be a number cruncher in this generic tech firm. Nowadays, however, I’m busying myself with figuring out why in the blazing layers of hell I’ve been transposed into the body of a small equine creature. Because these things happen, apparently.

I thought to be alone suffering from this predicament, but I soon found out that five other blokes – humans just like yours truly – had also been pooled into this insane experiment. And so, I found myself buddied with a timid 9 year old with trust issues, an electrical engineer careerist erring on workaholism, a family man from the outback who does nothing but yap about his eighteen-wheeler, an alcoholic with a severe case of pyrophobia, and a French chain-smoking teen living in poverty. Not that I have issues of my own, nope. I’m a perfectly balanced individual, see.

Crazy that in a world populated with ponies, the people I have the most trouble coping with are none other than my fellow misguided humans. Frustrating little things, the lot of them. Because boy, do we not get along. And yet, the ponies we’re possessing, well, they used to be the bestest of friends. So how come they made it work but we can’t?

Chapters (5)

Spike longed for years to have a family of his own. With Twilight's help, he applies for adoption.
Can he succeed in the trials of parenthood?
Can his daughter survive the life of royalty?
Can the royal coffers endure the doting of three zealous aunts?

Set seventy years after the end of Season 3.

Featured on Equestria Daily!
Cover art by EZTP also featured on Equestria Daily! [#3]
Additional supplemental art provided by MelonDraws, spokenmind93, EZTP, EifieChan, Ayemel, and Ninny, with more to come in the future.

Edited by the amazing Shahrazad

*Note*: [Sex] tag added for the use of innuendo and mention of the topic in later chapters. No 'on-screen' content included.

This story's update frequency is incredibly sporadic, but I promise, no matter what happens, no matter how long it takes, this story will reach completion. (Update 12/28/22: YES, I PROMISE I'M STILL WORKING ON IT!)


Chapters (65)

What if Soarin had not been as forgiving as he was when he found out his team had lied to him and tried to replace him for the Equestria games? What would his life be like if he were to up and quit the Wonderbolts, and where could this life-altering choice lead him?

Disclaimer: Story contains subject matter that may hit pretty close to home with some readers, such as pathological depression, borderline personality disorder, and alcoholism.

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to The Perilous Romance of Swans

Winter. A quiet time, perfect for reflection, spending time with loves ones and family members. It is also the time of Equestria's recovery after the tumultuous events that took place during the autumn; Mister Mariner's insurrection, a season of chaos, and the fall of Queen Chrysalis.

Now, Princess Celestia struggles to hold it all together. Every day is a crisis, but Equestria is being rebuilt. The nation recovers from Mister Mariner's gambit. The nobles of Canterlot are more active and more useful then ever before. Princess Luna is getting better, recovering more and more of herself every day.

So, during the long, dark winter, when the sun is scarce, Princess Celestia wonders... is she the princess Equestria deserves? Is she the sister that Luna needs? Is she the wife that Gosling thinks she is?

An entry in the Weedverse.

Fan art!

Chapters (62)

You'd think that being trapped in stone would mean that, if nothing else, I could get some peace and quiet. Unfortunately, it seems that Celestia has other ideas.

She has appointed these ponies... these 'Keepers', as she calls them, to keep me entertained during my incarceration.

Honestly? I'd prefer the boredom.

Cover art by matrosha123
Spanish Translation by SPANIARD KIWI found here

Chapters (3)

A look into the world of a firepony. Why is Rescue who he is? Why do firepony do what they do? What insane pony or birdy rushes into a place with nothing but an ax and a hose, when even angels fear tread? This is the story of it all, the why, the who, and the soul that pushes them to stand tall.

This story, the PVFD is dedicated to the hard working men and women of the worlds first responders. May whatever gods exist in the universe, watch over them as they rush to help us in our darkest moments without a thought for themselves.

Now edited by Thunderblast who I can not say thank you enough to.

Character list: List
Warning: Stallion on Stallion sex happens. You can find that at... Smexy stuff

Side stories found Here

*Arc 1* Chapters 1-10
*Arc 2* Chapters 11-20
*Arc 3* Chapters 21-37
*Arc 4* Chapters 38-47
*Arc 5* Chapters 48-???

Chapters (58)

Soarin is considered by many to be a Play Colt, a stallion able to get any mare he so desired, then why is it he is all alone on Hearts and Hooves Day? Could the legendary PlayColt actually has no idea how to talk to mares? In order to avoid the holiday dedicated to love, Soarin elects to spend the day at home to avoid it at all cost, the only problem is he has no pie left; leading him to Sweet Apple Acres to get the best pies in Equestria from no other but Applejack.

Happy Valentines Day to one and all! Breaking my tradition here this year, instead of a total MacDash story this year I am writing a SoarinJack! I love this ship and have been trying to write a story for so long about them, so I finally sat down and got to it. I love how it turned out and hope you all enjoy as well!

Thank you to Arbarano for all of his edits! So sorry it took me so long to write! Best editor awards goes to this guy!

Also a special thanks goes to The Masked Ferret , Aquaman, and Jake the Army Guy for listening to my random ideas and complaints.

Final thanks goes to Artistcoolpony for the cover art... now only if you did MacDash...

Non-Mature Feature Box: 2/16/17

Chapters (1)

A young Equestrian Guard recruit is ordered to attend - of all things - the retirement party of a complete stranger.

However, things at the party turn out to be not quite what he expected. As the night progresses, he learns some valuable lessons about himself and just what the duties of being a Guardspony in Her Eternal Princesses' Royal Guards entails.

(A slightly humorous yet slightly bittersweet look at the life and traditions of the Royal Guard)

Chapters (1)

We already know that there exists an alternative universe where the Elements of Harmony bearers are stallions. And we already know that in that universe rule 63 is in full effect.

But whoever said rule 63 is the only way to create a stallion mane six? What if show canon stallions took up the roles of the mane six?

Well you're about to find out.

After learning from his sister Twilight Sparkle about the potential return of Nightmare Moon Shining Armor tries to warn Princess Celestia.

Not long afterward the youngest member of the royal guard learns he will be traveling to Ponyville to oversee security for the upcoming Summer Sun Celebration, and while he's there he is to make some friends. A task that Shining Armor doesn't think is that important. That soon changes.

Follow the adventures of Shining Armor and his friends, from facing down evils like Nightmare Moon and Discord, to simply learning more about the magic of friendship. And watch as they grow closer together in the process.

The Return of Nightmare Moon (Chapters 1-12): Shining Armor travels to the town of Ponyville, concerned about the possibility of the return of Nightmare Moon. When his fears turn out to be correct, he enlists the unlikely help of five stallions on a perlious quest to find The Elements of Harmony and save Equestria from eternal night.
Life In Ponyville (Chapters 13-26): While preparing for The Grand Galloping Gala, Shining Armor and his friends spend more time getting to know each other, and learn valueable lessons about the magic of friendship. And in the process, they are drawn closer together.
The Battle With Discord (Chapters 27-38): Shining Armor and his friends are pitted against the wicked master of chaos, Discord, and his mind games. As friendships break down and Shining faces his darkest hour, it will take an unlikely pony to save him.
Aftermath (Chapters 39-46): Discord may have been defeated, but the mental scars left from his encounter will take time to heal. While Shining Armor recovers from a serious mental breakdown, he must also contend with changes in the lives of his friends.
Royal Wedding (Chapters 47-55): The anticipated wedding of Shining Armor and Cadence is ready to begin. But when an unknown threat is made against Canterlot and supsicion falls on Cadence, it's up to Shining Armor's sister, Twilight, to find out what's going on.
Empire And Fears (Chapters 56-64): With the return of the long lost Crystal Empire, comes a new threat to the safety of Equestria, the evil King Sombra. Shining Armor must find a way to save his new kingdom from falling into the greedy hooves of its former ruler, while also overcoming his own self doubts in the wake of what happened at his wedding.
Prince Shining (Chapter 65-77): Completing a spell left unfinished by the great Starswirl The Bearded, Shining Armor ascends into alicornhood and becomes Equestria's first alicorn prince. But when Princesses Celestia and Luna go missing before The Summer Sun Celebration, Shining Armor finds himself delving into the past in search of answers to the crisis.
Quest For The Keys (Chapters 78-95): With the Elements of Harmony now returned to their original resting place, a new puzzle has presented itself to Shining and his friends in the form of a mysterious chest. Though answers seem to be non-existent, Shining Armor and the stallions will soon find their greatest attributes tested, as Equestria faces its greatest threat yet.
The Village With No Cutie Marks (Chapters 96-107): A table map in Shining Armor's new castle, leads him and his friends to a village at the edge of Equestria. There, they discover that the village leader, Starlight Glimmer, posses a dark secret.
Map Missions and Changes (Chapters 108-121): Although Starlight remains at large, the table map opts to send Shining Armor and his friends on missions all over Equestria to spread friendship. But as Shining adjusts to new developments in his life, an unseen threat plots revenge.
A Flurry of a Crystalling (Chapters 122-131): Cadence has given birth to a baby alicorn, and Shining Armor has gained a new student in the form of Starlight Glimmer. But as Starlight struggles to reconnect with an old friend, the new baby's powers threaten to bury the Crystal Empire in a blizzard of snow.
Shining and Starlight's Studies (Chapters 132-138): Despite the recent changes in his life, Shining is still the inexperienced teacher of former baddy, Starlight Glimmer, and must do his best to help her learn the magic of friendship. In the meantime, new developments in the lives of Shining's friends and new allies, will ensure there's never a dull moment for the gang.
Changeling Crisis (Chapters 139-150): Starlight must confront her inner fears and doubts, when she is unexpectedly thrust into the role of leader in Shining Armor's absence. And with Queen Chrysalis and her changelings on the loose, an unexpected team must mount a rescue effort in the heart of the Changeling kingdom.
New Lease on Life (Chapters 151-169): With Starlight no longer a student of Shining Armor's, and Flurry Heart demanding more attention, life is changing drastically for the prince. But lurking around the corner, is another great adventure that will be unlike any other for Shining and his friends.
School of Friendship (Chapters 170-180): An expanding table map in Ponyville gives Twilight the idea to open her very own "School of Friendship" for creatures all over the world. But while Shining is thrust into the role of a diplomat, an old foe decides to abduct some of the students.
Bonds Beyond Equestria (Chapters 180-196): Twilight's school is up and running, and six particular students are developing and expanding their friendship. However, as Shining copes with yet more changes to his life, a mysterious newcomer at the school secretly begins to set their own plans into motion.
The Fading Magic (Chapters 187-196): When magic in Equestria starts to disappear, suspicion falls on Tirek and Shining sets off to Tartarus to confront the centaur only to end up trapped! Meanwhile, Twilight and the others are distracted by the return of Chancellor Neighsay while the real culprit hides under their noses.
Royal Retirement Woes (Chapters 197-208): Celestia and Luna announce their decision to step down from the throne and give the reigns to Shining Armor and his friends. While he mulls over this life changing offer, Shining is unaware that a long forgotten threat has brought back other threats, including a resurrected King Sombra!
What Lies Beyond (Chapters 209-230): Times are changing in Equestria as the retirement of the royal sisters looms overhead. While Shining Armor and his friends cope with changes in their life, they are unaware of a threat that is growing and gathering allies!
Final Battle (Chapters 218-230): On Shining Armor's coronation day Grogar unleashes his Legion of Doom on Equestria, throwing everything into chaos. Shining and his friends will have to rely on every connection and every alliance to stand a chance!
(Cover art by TheCrystalKing.)

Chapters (230)

Set in the far future after Celestia and Luna mysteriously vanished and the sun and moon froze in the sky, Antipodes is the story of two ponies thrust out into the harsh new world on an adventure to uncover what happened to the world so long ago.

(I wrote this when I was 17. it's pretty rough in places, but i think the basic ideas i had here were pretty cool. it's got a good skeleton)

Spanish translation here: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/Antipodas-1-3-953524835

Chapters (33)