• Member Since 19th Mar, 2018

Terry the human

A southern brony that loves to read and write. My oc Heat Wave and I are ready to explore this big huge site.

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While Light Heart is fighting depression he is transformed into an alicorn. Now Light Heart must find out what his worth is, and what it means to be an alicorn.

Thanks to Mr Tech for drawing my OC. (Light Heart does have a cutie mark; it's a teddy bear.)

Chapters (1)

Nay for valor,

or thirst for blood,

we serve the crown,

a crushing flood,

every's duty,

to protect each other,

less we fail,

and lose one another...

He had failed.

Chapters (1)

The story takes place in Canterlot, Equestria at a flight school for young pegasus foals. Follow the story told in 1st person by my oc: Scarlet Harmony.

I came up with this story while reading Gilded Sister at the beginning of today.

I hope you all like the story, and please comment below, what you think about it. This is also my first one-shot. :3

Chapters (1)

What if there was another pony who joined the pony gang? An actual male who at first seemed worthless? Will his actions, even presence, affect the choices and outcomes of the pony gang? Will different relationships form? That's for him to find out...

(Remake of the FIM series)

Chapters (133)

Clay has always looked up to his mother Rainbow Dash, even though they aren't related by blood. Yet he can't help but feel that he could only truly belong with her if he was a pegasus instead of an earth pony. Clays obsession with wanting to fly will send him on a journy he never thought possible and teach him that family doesn't have to be blood deep.

This is my first fanfic, give advice and critacism, but please go easy.

Special Thanks to Carnelian for the cover art. And my brother for getting me into fanfiction.

This story was proofread by Tsubaki Rehooved and BookPlayer

MLP: FIM is owned by Hasbro and the HUB

Listen to the audio reading by Mr.Fail55 aka zmuscle

Connected stories are:

Wings for a Pony: Becoming Mommy

Wings for a Pony: Dinky's Sky

Wings for a Pony 2

Chapters (31)

In this one-shot idea, Fluttershy asks her friend Discord if he would be interested in taking up the job as a teacher at the new School of Friendship. Discord agrees to teach them something if he were given a chance to test-drive it by having a few students to see if he would take up the job. What follows is a lesson on the meditations of Reniegh Haycartes.

A special thank you to DuskHeart13, The Hat Man and SashimiPony for taking the time of proofreading this.

Note: this and its sequels were written before "Matter of Principles."

Chapters (1)

I want to thank http://www.fimfiction.net/user/ShutterGuy] for the awesome picture he has done for this story. He captured Toby perfectly, so I give all credit to him and also he is a good writer, check out his story "Human and Pony alike", it is good.

Toby Mason is a six year old human child who wishes for someone to love him. One year earlier, Toby lost his mother Ashley Mason who died in a terrible car crash coming to pick him up from school one day. After Ashley's death, Toby was hard to console, but his father James Mason took the loss the hardest.

Feeling as his life ending along with Ashley's, James began drinking heavily, and in turn started becoming abusive toward Toby. Mostly verbally abusive, he would call Toby weak, pathetic, and blamed Ashley's death on him. Heartbroken by his father's actions, Toby would make a wish upon a star to find a new home, and find a new family who would love him and not be mean to him like his father.

How would the ponies of Equestria, especially The Mane Six react toward finding a lost human child in their land? Will the take him in and treat him as one of their own, or will they fear him and abandon him?

Chapters (33)

This story is a sequel to No Nose Knows

It is recommended you read No Nose Knows first but it's not absolutely required.

Baked Bean was just a regular citizen of Equestria until one fateful day when he accidentally booped Princess Celestia's nose with his own and then found he was forced to marry her to fulfil the terms of an ancient law. Miraculously, Love has blossomed between the princess and the pauper, and the new Prince of Equestria is now looking forward to taking his place at the side of the Princess of the Sun.

But Baked Bean is still very much a novice in the realms of government and nobility, and he's in for quite the crash course between old foes, snobby ministers, and his own shortcomings...

But at least Luna tolerates him now.

As seen on Equestria Daily!

Proofread and Preread once again by Georg, Moon Fire, Zen and Ponies, and Sipioc!

And with much thanks to You-Know-Who for the cover art!

Chapters (42)

This story is a sequel to My Name is Harmonic

Say... Remember how I used to say that the story "My Name is Harmonic"* that I thought I had as far as I could with the story and I have no idea how to take it further? Well as it turns out that an idea hit me over the head and suddenly I'm writing this sequel to the story.

So anyway, the story starts off four years after the end of the story. On Prince Harmonic's birthday, the prince decided to at last pop the question to his consort, Color Spectrum. What follows is the life and times of these two along with the challenges that they will be facing.

Warning: This story is M/M shipping. Now I promise that there will be no clop in it. But if you're not into stories like this, you know where the exit buttons are. (P.S. The reason why the sex tag is on this thing is because there will be some little innuendos but nothing more. I put this on to be safe in the near future.)

* Author's note: It is highly recommended on my part that before you get into this story, read the previous story, it will make a whole lot more sense.

Music in the 4th Movement is "The Lullaby of the Bells" from the 1943 film, Phantom of the Opera. And Vitali - Chaconne [violin solo version] by Stepan Grytsay

A huge thank you to PrinceCelestia for the artwork for this fic. As well as a huge thank you to SoleReclaimer for editing.

Chapters (4)

This is Bloodvein. He's a pegasus. His family are full-blooded bat ponies.

He shares the same fangs and blood as his family, but is completely different from the rest of his colony.

Does he enjoy life in his colony? Only he knows.

Chapters (30)