This story is a sequel to The (Mis)adventures of Nava: Book One
After having just escaped death from a near fatal magical accident that he nearly paid with his life, Nava must now make a choice either fear magic forever, or finally man up for once and face all of his problems head on. Including his bad acrophobia and the fact that the Princesses now know of his existence as well.
Not only that, but a certain group of thestrals will also be keeping a direct eye on him too. Specifically a certain captain with anger issues and a complicated past which may or may not explain her reasons for her questionable methods and sometimes open hostility.
Will Nava break from his problems with the help of those closest to him in this new world? Or will he finally break down and let his fears get the better of him.
Also what is going to happen to both Flitter and Cloudchaser? The two mares who invited this strange new Alicorn into their lives. Will they find out that he is not from Equestria at all?
Who knows? Only the future itself can answer these questions.
(Featured again on the day it was released on the 3/18/2017)