• Member Since 16th Sep, 2013


Pinkie dash, dislestia, and sweetiemash are the best ships!

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Pinkie Pie's unrequited love for Rainbow Dash reaches crisis point as she fears the party in her heart has at long last come to an end.

Illustration by the awesome Mogasaki/Swaetshrit.

Chapters (13)

After Diamond Tiara loses a bet to the Cutie Mark Crusaders, she has to ask Snails to the Hearts and Hooves Day Dance. But when Snails turns to Sweetie Belle for help in impressing his date, she realizes she is starting to develop feelings for him. And so what was to have been a simple victory for the CMC turns into something a bit more complicated.

Chapters (11)

After Rarity says something that breaks his heart, Spike snaps and storms out of her boutique. Leaving Rarity confused by the last words he said before he left. Discord appears and decides takes her on a little trip through time to show her how Spike really feels about her.

This story takes place during the events of Simple Ways and after the events of Twilight's Kingdom.

Edit: Cover art by dm29
Edit: Featured 8/1/14

Chapters (15)

Rainbow Dash has had a crush on Pinkie Pie ever since they met, but when Rainbow finds out that Pinkie Pie has a crush on somepony, she becomes determined to find out who.

Who could it possibly be?

Chapters (4)