rainbow dash<3 27 stories
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Rainbow Dash gets badly injured during an activity at the academy,apparently so bad that she needs to be supervised for 1 month, her friends being out of the question Rainbow Dash searches for another solution:rainbowdetermined2:

This is my first story so I hope you all like it!

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Storm of Emotions

After the turbulent events of the Royal Garden opening, Rainbow Dash and Soarin's friendship went on surprisingly well. With everything that happened, they could learn more and realize how much they are important to each other. Soarin even offered Rainbow Dash an opportunity to have weekly practices with him at the Wonderbolt Academy, which she gladly accepted.

With only a few days until the start of their training, they have an unexpected (and quite painful to Soarin) reencounter, that ends up taking both of them to the Ponyville hospital, where they learn a little more about each other.

As their weekly practices begin, their connection only deepens, making them question their feelings and contemplate the thought that, just maybe, their friends were right all along.

Chapters (1)

After the last show of the Wonderbolts in Ponyville, Rainbow Dash is left to clean up the mess she made. She didn't expect to have the company of a certain light blue stallion though.

SoarinDash one-shot, inspired by the episode "Newbie Dash". Hope you enjoy! :pinkiesmile:

*This story isn't related to my other SoarinDash fic, "Storm of Emotions". The sequel to that story is probably going to take a while to be published.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is more than excited for being the chosen reserve for the Wonderbolts' performance at the Royal Garden opening, but Rarity brings up an awkward conversation about one of the team's stallion that may change Rainbow's way of seeing him. As she comes face to face with the Wonderbolts once again, she does her best to hide the conflicting thoughts.

Soarin's situation haven't been much different, as he has to deal with the insinuations that Spitfire and Fleetfoot have been making about his friendly relationship with the rainbow maned pegasus.

But everything's fine. They can avoid these strange feelings for as long as they want, right?

Unless a new mystery leads Soarin to confront Rainbow Dash against his will, and the both of them start to notice that they care for each other more than they thought.

Set before, during and after “Rarity Investigates!”, so some moments from this episode will be narrated. I think I don't even need to say that this is a SoarinDash story.

I came up with the title with the help of a friend of mine. She doesn't have a fimfiction account, but I feel like I need to thank her, because I had no idea of what I could use as title before she helped me.

This is my first published story. Constructive criticism is appreciated.

Thanks to DeltaNutmeg for editing the story!

I hope you enjoy! :twilightsmile:

I only now realized that there's a song called Storm of Emotions. I swear I didn't know about it!

Chapters (4)

On a day like any other, Rainbow has plans; just not like any other day. But unfotunately, some ponies just have to destroy it and other ponies start thinking of other things- mainly two: Date and Love. What will Rainbow do?:rainbowderp:

Note: This is set before season 8

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Flying Sky-High

So much has happened in the past year. Friends have been made, battles have been fought, and love has bloomed. Now at long last, Rainbow Dash has the chance of a lifetime: a chance to become a Wonderbolt and instantly be part of an elite squad. However, one of the key judges for the tryout is none other than her love: Soarin. He is bound by his profession to be fair and honest in his selection. Will their relationship give Dash an edge in the tryouts? Or will it strike her down before she even gets there?

Also what of the dark magic within Soarin? He's kept quiet about it for a while, but not all is as well as he lets on.

And what of the Shadowbolts? They scattered after the battle with Nightshade. Surely they didn't just disappear.

A story of remaining strong in the face of harsh challenges. Life and love can be tough, but strong hearts always find a way to prevail.

Originally Edited by: Kestrel (and on occasion: Lucky424)

New editors: Delphina34 and Zoljen

This Fic's length is a bit intimidating, but it is broken into four parts, each of which could be considered their own stories with clear beginnings and conclusions. I decided to keep it all together because it was how my outline was structured (aka i completely underestimated the length).

This is not a Gurren Lagann Crossover. The title was a coincidence. (But said coincidence has led to many references and characters that parody the anime)

Featuring multiple chapter illustrations by: Scootafail/Chiwee, PenumbraGlow0290 Deviantart: darkmoonrising, Colorstrike, and foxenawolf

I also like including pieces of fan art drawn by my readers if they drew certain scenes. So far i have included some fan art by: GlitterDash (Dev art: chessaw), Hopscotch, MyLittleXyo, Ice Blade, mlplover789 (aka NightyScribbles), EchoSong, sweet Isolation, Pie Is Epic, melovedogs123, CowgirlVK, CrystalMelody_kc, Noble Savage (Deviant art: thatdamntenpin), Those Kids In The Corner/Catalyst, natis120, eveyannie, PhonicBoom, bambiki, Randompig212, Schemmer, SOARINDASH1, Neonspirit, NorthernLights8, kikirdcz, Fuzzette, SilverWolfFTW, Cantil, Coco Candy, -_Rainbow_Dash-_, Lazzari, Valentine_X, Nightalein and Lucky Autumn

Chapters (190)

“Okay, how about you come with me,” Soarin said hastily, not sure if he was motivated by a strange desire to save the castle’s glassware or by the chance to spend some more time with the borderline insane yet beautiful mare next to him.
“Where?” She asked, looking up from the glass she had sentenced to ‘Smashy-time.’

Rainbow Dash learns why it's good fun to get drunk at your best friend's brother's wedding. Good company doesn't hurt either.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to First Night and Then Some

Almost a year has passed since Soarin and Rainbow Dash shared a now-famous kiss at Canterlot Stadium. Now, the blossoming relationship they share will be put to an unavoidable test. Their dreams for the future and dedication to each other will collide on the day Soarin dreads: Wonderbolt tryouts.

Chapters (1)

After Winning The Young Fliers Competition She Gets Her Prize. But It Has To End Abruptly As Somepony Walks In On Some 'Honey Painting'. It's Awkward, Weird And.... A Misunderstanding. Fluttershy Doesn't Really Know What To Do.


Cover Art By: HareTrinity

Sex tag for some language. No romance tag as there is only a bit of blushing.
Also, It's kinda random.

Chapters (1)

Soarin introduces Rainbow Dash to another Wonderbolt tradition: a monthly dinner outing with his best friend in the Royal Guard.

She soon realises that they have an awful lot in common to bond over.

(Rated Teen for some naughty jokes.)

Chapters (1)