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This isn't where I belong. I left all this behind years ago, moved on with my life. But a mare from my past brought me back, and now she won't let me go. So I'm stuck here, trying to make the best of it with ponies that don't understand me, don't even like me. But when something moves in the darkness, and when things go wrong in the cold, dead night, they'll turn to me to try to set things right.

Why? Because once a police pony, always a police pony.
This is a spin-off story to 'Why am I Pinkie Pie?!', and will contain spoilers for that story, but it's not necessary to read that story to understand this one.
Cover art by the talented Conicer
Need more Cinnamon Swirl? Merlos the Mad wrote a fanfic of this story!

There is now a side-story: A Hard Day's Nightmare Night

Chapters (25)

I was one step away from accomplishing my lifelong dream. But an accident appears to have changed my life for the worst. My life-long goal now seemed unachievable in a new world with things I previously thought impossible. But when a new goal is discovered, what will it take to accomplish? But as they say, dream on.

Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated and helps me make the story better.
Huge thanks to Arch Medley for making the cover art!
I would also like to thank my new editor for helping me with *cough* a few *cough* corrections. I would give credit, but they wished to remain anonymous.

Chapters (5)

Our story starts with: 'Darach Meldrak Obenhjerthe' The first of his name and clansman of the Meldrak household. Specifically it starts with the end of his life, at the hands or rather hooves, of his own horse as it accidentally tramples him to death after getting startled by a snake.

Darach had abandoned his religious ways back during the war, so when he died he expected nothing more than the cold void of nothingness, perhaps the pyres of damnation if he was unlucky.
What he got was quite a bit different from his expectations.

Reborn into the body of a horned pegasus, he would have to make sense of his new life as a small pink princess, and try not to disturb his new parents too much with his strange personality.

Behind the scenes though, strange forces begin to stir.
Change will come and in time it will be up to the young princess to face it...

Chapters (3)

After the Fall Formal, everything was supposed to go back to normal, even turn out better. Sunset was going to have friends and they were going to teach her the ways of friendship. At least, that's what Twilight said would happen. Instead, Sunset is seen as a pariah by everyone including those who said they would be her friends. All except Fluttershy, who now has to save Sunset from ending up in a worse place than ever. But can she do it?

Edited by Icecreammac

Rewriting story. Please tune in for some changes! 7/16/18

Chapters (11)

In the EQG Holiday Special, Sunset figured out that Anon-a-Miss was actually Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom.
But what if things happened differently?
What if Sunset never figured out who Anon-a-Miss really was?
What if her friends refused to listen after her little chat with Twilight?
For those who haven't seen it, the comic can be read here:

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to Anon-a-Miss

It's been almost half a year since the events that took place on Mystable.
Most of the students at CHS have learned from the incident, vowing to do whatever it takes to atone.
Meanwhile, there are others who refuse to let go, still consumed by thoughts of revenge.

Apart from these two groups, there is one student in particular who was changed entirely.

Preread by Hattafan2593 and Cerealkiller78

Disclaimer for readers who enjoyed the previous story:

The original was multiple chapters long, whereas this is only a one-shot.
And as such, this story won't carry as much weight as the original.
The purpose of this story is to give an idea of "What happened next".

Disclaimer for new people:

If you haven't read the previous story that this is a continuation of then you're going to be confused.

* Jan 27th, first feature. Thanks everyone!

Chapters (1)

You keep sayin' somethin' about bein' male and "human" before you showed up in Appleloosa. I'm not sure what you're talkin' about, stranger, but I can certainly tell you're pretty darn mad about what happened. Sit down a spell, will you? Tell me more about this "Trask" feller...

Cover art by Trinityinyang.

Chapters (12)

Bored of his lavish royal lifestyle, and the countless female suitors offered to him, Prince Blueblood takes a vacation from the good life to explore the simple quaintness of a small town. But only in Ponyville does the prince lay eyes on the most beautiful specimen he had ever seen: a brawny mare harvesting apples in the dirt and mud. Little does Blueblood realize how much his encounter with the simple farmer will change his way of life, and hers as well.

(requested by Charzoid)

Chapters (8)

Blueblood only had one dream, one hope, one desire. To travel to the moon.

Chapters (1)

Flash Sentry really needs to watch his words. Particularly when talking to certain individuals.

From the All The Time In The World writeoff.me contest where it placed 9th.

Chapters (1)