• Member Since 21st Dec, 2014

River Babble

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." - Col 3:17

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Maud Pie is adopting Cozy Glow.

She isn't particularly interested in unpetrifying Cozy first.

Featured 8/11/2020-8/13/2020!

Reviewed by PresentPerfect with a rating of Recommended!

And in Ghost Mike's Monday Musings with a rating of Decent!

Now with Russian translation by RadioGlitch!

Chapters (1)

Ponyville Mare's Excessive Pranking Leads To Zombie Outbreak

Ponyville Mare Hijacks Parade Float And Careens Into Lake

You can find headlines like this in any newspaper. Crammed somewhere in the back, bought from a smaller publication for a few bits to fill space. Most ponies laugh, if they spot them at all, and then move on. But one stallion took a particular interest in these strange stories and especially their protagonist.

After years of research and study, he's determined to track her down. One way or another, he will find this mysterious Ponyville Mare.

Chapters (1)

"To one's own heart be true" they say, but for royalty that is not always the case. Sometimes royalty has to put duty before love, and sometimes they find themselves unable to do so.
When a king finds himself torn between his heart and his country, he must make the hardest decision. Whatever the consequences.

Chapters (1)

'R' and 'E' are right next to one another on keyboards, so I dismissed 'Mareiott' as a typo and booked my hotel room online. It was only after I found a pony waiting for me at the airport that I realized it was, instead, a horrible pun. Now I'm stuck in a horsey hotel for a week while attending a major trade fair on behalf of my employer.

Additional character tags: Snowcatcher, Flitterheart, Sunny Rays, Feathermay, Honeybuzz

Written for Admiral Biscuit's challenge/request for more slice of life fics featuring ponies working on Earth:


Chapters (1)

Rumors of a dark cult on the rise are circulating around Equestria. As Princess, Twilight Sparkle has no choice but to investigate this potentially dangerous development.

When she finds that the cult is worshiping her as a divine figure, things become more uncomfortable.

So Twilight falls back to her safe answer: consulting with Celestia for advice.

Unfortunately, Celestia's answers are not what Twilight expected.

Written for Fan of Most Everything's Imposing Sovereigns II contest with the combined prompt of Twilight Sparkle and The New.

Featured 10/24/19-10/30/19!

And with a reading by The Mystery Fluttershy Fan!

Featured in Equestria Daily's 44 Awesome Fanfics to Read for Twilight Day! on 8/6/2020!

Now with a Spanish translation by Spaniard Kiwi!

And reviewed by HapHazred! And also by Loganberry!

And by PresentPerfect with a rating of Recommended!

And with a Chinese translation by jazspid available here!

Chapters (3)

Twilight walks into Quills and Sofas to find out, to her surprise, that Chrysalis works there.

Art made by Kamikakushi!

Now with a silky smooth Youtube reading by Wayart Narration!

Chapters (1)

Probably the best thing to happen in Discord's long life was finding the magic of friendship. As much as the old Chaos Lord might complain, without it he would never have found so many that were dear to his heart.

When that heart finds itself empty, he comes to the Princess to ask a favor: allow him the opportunity to bring friendship to other dark hearts. All she has to do is lend him a statue.

The rest is in his chaotic claws.

Featured on 10/18/19, 10/22/19 and 10/25/19!

Featured in Equestria Daily on 6/18/2020 and in their 40 Fanfics to Read for Villain Day on 11/12/2020!

Reviewed here by Javarod!

Also reviewed by PresentPerfect with the rating of Highly Recommended! And it also made the Top 10 of 2020!

Death tag - no horrible murder, just a few mentions and the natural consequences of time.

Chapters (4)

Discord says goodbye.

Spanish: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/Un-ultimo-chasquido-862607171 (Thanks Kiwi)

Chapters (1)

Whilst on vacation, the Princesses Celestia and Luna stumble across Grogar's secret base. Utter bedlam ensues, along with a healthy slice of ridiculousness... Takes place during the events of 'Between Dark And Dawn'.

Featured from 26/6/19 to 27/6/19

Chapters (1)

Principal Celestia always has wings in her dreams.

They got her into trouble, once. She let herself believe that they meant she was an angel. Then she grew up, and learned some hard lessons about what being an angel really required.

Now six magical girls have just fought a demon in front of her school. And her phantom wings are itching.

Her life is turning upside down ... and she hasn't even heard about Equestria yet.

Rated Highly Recommended (Top 15 Stories Sitewide) by Present Perfect! "It's f**king flawless, you guys. … The first [6]00-word chapter by itself is a masterpiece."

"Literally the single best EqG story on the site." —Professor Plum
"[One] of the best stories on the site, period." —Pearple Prose
"One of my all-time favorite pieces of fanfiction." –brokenimage321
"My favorite EQG fic of absolute all." -Skywriter

Rated Why Haven't You Read This Yet? by PaulAsaran! "I might have been skeptical going in, but horizon knocked it out of the park."

Rated 5/5 by csquared08! "The opening chapter here was truly something else. ... Then I hit the end of chapter 3. holy crap."

Rated ★★★★ by Louder Yay! "A lesser writer might have made a horrible, cliché-ridden mess of this story, but fortunately horizon is not a lesser writer. For a start, it's by some distance the best portrayal of the human world's Celestia I've read."

Third place in the "Under the Sun" June 2017 Writeoff!  (That first draft has been revised and expanded for FIMFiction.) Praise for the Writeoff version:

"Holy cow ... That's how you write an EqG fanfic! You captured the heart and SOUL of this/your version of Principal Celestia, wrapped it up in bi-universal consistency, and sold me on an idea of redemption I didn't even know I needed." —Xepher

"This is gorgeous. A thorough, exhaustive, incredibly moving portrait of a character who I don't think I've ever seen get quite this much development or attention." —Posh

"This is actually, after all these years, an original take on a story on Luna's banishment. If that's not something to be celebrated I don't know what is." Quill Scratch, Radio Writeoff

MORE REVIEWER PRAISE: Rated "Really Good" by Ghost Mike! Rated "Definitely Read" by Super Trampoline! Reviewed by City of Doors! Reviewed by Titanium Dragon! Featured on Equestria Daily! Discussed by Them's Writin' Words!

Rated T for brief cursing and alcohol use. Cover art by Seniloko, used under Creative Commons license.


中文 - 行政天使

Chapters (4)