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October Contest Plans and Discord Server · 4:11am Oct 9th, 2022

i have some contest news dropping "tomorrow", so i wanted to post this first to not get drowned out. i will be entering stories in at least two contests this month, and wanted to encourage you to enter in them with me!

the first is FanOfMostEverything's Ancestral Tribute Contest, which ends on 2022 Oct 16. that is pretty soon, so you had better hurry! it may be too soon for me to finish my big story idea that will cut it close to the 18kw limit, but i have a 2kw backup story that is mostly written, so i will definitely have an entry for this one!

the second contest is Nailah's SPOOK Contest, which ends on 2022 Oct 31. i don't quite have an idea yet for this one, especially since the topics are not what i usually write about, but that will make coming up with a story that much more rewarding.

and finally, the Discord server! i think that an earlier invite link i sent out may have been kicking people before they got access, so hopefully this link fixes that. the rules have been rewritten to reflect that it's a pretty small, chill server that doesn't need the rules of a larger one, at least for now.

and that's it. see you with the news tomorrow!

Report Bicyclette · 174 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

What timing! I also have plans for finishing with the last bit of willpower left in me a story for the Ancestral fic, too!

What's the Discord server like?

it's pretty quiet! we mostly talk about writing and pony art. would love to have you if you're interested!

By, “pony art”, do you mean endless cute LyraBon pictures?

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