• Member Since 6th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


What's better than one cake? Two cakes!

More Blog Posts11

  • 17 weeks
    Lessons Learned, Moving Forward, Story Updates and Cancellations

    Not sure if anyone reads these—hello if you do—I have a few things I'd like to get off my chest. Fair warning: this is mostly a rant and, to a lesser extent, an update for moving forward.

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  • 47 weeks
    Name Change: Calypso -> Aklinstar

    Undergoing a username change. Sorry for any confusion.

    0 comments · 120 views
  • 56 weeks
    Jinglemas 2023

    Hey guys, I'm participating in this year's Jinglemas. Enrollment has started and is ending on the 25th this month. For more details check out: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/213263/jinglemas/thread/481574/

    I hope y'all give it look at the very least!

    0 comments · 114 views
  • 80 weeks
    Story Review: To Perytonia by Cloudy Skies

    Hello! Welcome to the start of my romance recommendation series; a very sporadic one that will not appear in feed boxes very often, rest assured! I must confess that these posts are primarily for my own benefit; scandalous, I know. I want to improve my own writing skills, and making these reviews should hopefully serve to aid in that to some degree but I suppose we shall see.

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    4 comments · 229 views
  • 84 weeks
    Back on Track

    Honorary Crusader chapter 9 is well in the works!

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Yep Still Here · 6:02am Sep 12th, 2022

Wow, so uh hey there. I'm still kicking as it were. Took a long hiatus from the fandom and this website as a result. It's crazy coming back and seeing how many stories I've left unread and seeing how many of them have been complete for a long time now. I expected sort of a nostalgia hit when coming back to check on the website, but I got a whole lot more than that. I've found myself enjoying going through and reading the stories I hadn't finished, and also revisiting stories I had already read, many of which I had forgotten 99% of the contents.

I have no idea how long I'll be around this time, but I'm guessing a good long while seeing that I've found myself enjoying reading even more so than I had back then strange enough. It's funny and kind of sad seeing my old blog post with the resolution of creating stories. I found several drafts of story ideas on an old hard drive, and uh ehhh I'm not too sure about getting around to finishing them, but I do feel a bit more motivation this time around to give writing another shot seeing as I had hardly tried at all almost a decade ago (holy shit). I read through my story's synopsis and just rolled my eyes, wondering what I was thinking. Not going to change it though, I'll leave it as is like its some sort of relic of the past. I still would like to do an alternative take on Discord's redemption though. Maybe involving the CMC during the first two episodes of season 2? (I loved that one comic with Discord and the CMC and it has given me some inspiration). Anyway! Plenty of reading to catch up on. Just wanted to post since it has been so long. Hope whoever reads this is having a good day!

Report Aklinstar · 136 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

Welcome back! Best of luck with your writing, and I hope you enjoy revisiting everything!

Oh hey, thanks! Wasn't expecting such a quick response, or well one at all really! I'll certainly have to give writing another shot now (maybe heh). But, thanks for the luck.

Happy to hear it! Funnily enough, I didn't really notice the timing, in all honesty. I just try to make a habit out of saying hi to users who are joining or returning to the site, so I figured I'd stop by and wave hello.

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