• Member Since 26th Mar, 2015
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Highlord Langslock

If the darkness grows so deep that we cannot see the light, then we shall rise up and BECOME the light!

More Blog Posts280

  • 58 weeks

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    1 comments · 104 views
  • 82 weeks
    What If He Wasn’t a Cliche?

    Recently I've been thinking about how history's most infamous "waifu thief" Flash Sentry more likeable in the eyes of the fandom. I sincerely doubt that anything could have made them welcome the guy who stole their perfect purple pony princess from Her Royal Majesty Sunbutt with open arms and a twenty-one gun salute that wasn't aimed at his head, but there must have been some way to curb the

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    3 comments · 192 views
  • 95 weeks
    The Owl House Finale

    Just finished watching the final episode of The Owl House. There was so much good stuff here, far more than I am able to talk about right now. So instead, I will reveal the one thing that was a disappointment for me:

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    3 comments · 205 views
  • 114 weeks
    A Christmas Story: Love it or hate it?

    With the most wonderful time of the year just around the corner (or already here if you work in retail), I find my wondering what everyone thinks about Bob Clark's classic movie A Christmas Story. My sister loves it so much that she and her first husband would play it on television all day long on Christmas day and probably other days before that. Our mother dislikes it for, among other

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  • 129 weeks
    Toxic Fandom Gameshow

    Who else wants to see My Little Pony in the sequel to this?

    2 comments · 351 views

F*** My S***ty Job! · 4:15am Jul 15th, 2022

We have been dealing with some horrible turnover the past year and more. Dozens of people have either been laid off or quit, and we can't seem to hire enough people to replace them all. I've been spending half my weeks working solo while they dump all the pallets and junk on me to handle myself. We've all been trapped in ovetime for months, and now I just found out that we'll be working extra days on top of that! They're saying that things might finally go back to normal sometime mid October, so I'm gonna try to hold out until then, but I'm already looking at new jobs, so if this goes on any longer than that, than I'm done.

Report Highlord Langslock · 185 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Life is short...if the option presents and it works for you move on.

That was the same with my old job. People were handing in their notices left and right and management were trying to do ‘more with less’. Literally, bigger events with the minimal amount of staff we had. Was hell.

Keep your chin up; an escape door should present itself soon and you should be able to jump ship. I’ll be rooting for you.

My sympathies.

I hope things get better for you.

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