• Member Since 8th Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Friday

Witching Hour

This is my circus and these are my monkeys aren't they? Carp.

More Blog Posts125

  • 79 weeks
    Ch8 of Minutor Crystallum

    So... Thanks to copious assistance from Jim, I've managed to finally finish chapter 9, so that means..... I can post chapter 8!

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  • 100 weeks
    New VV story!

    Hey folks! So! While I've not been able to write a lot lately, I've been helping others in my group... And our dear Honorary Troll, Avellana, has finally finished writing a good portion of her story, The Dying of the Light! Go read and review peeps!

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    1 comments · 134 views
  • 106 weeks
    Ch7 of MoaMC

    Alright! It's finally ready to post! I finished Chapter 8 Tuesday night, but I'm making it a habit to sit on a chapter an extra day once I finish the next one just so that I don't like... have to go back a bunch to fix things, I guess...

    Chapter 9's gonna be a while in progress, so no breath-holding okay? :raritywink:

    Love & Light!

    0 comments · 115 views
  • 112 weeks
    Another update! At last!!!

    So... Birthday happened... it was good... I've been doing a lot of cross-stitch lately, and my darling husband let me buy a bunch of patterns... Unfortunately, this has meant I needed to go on a shopping spree at my local craft store to buy all the thread colors I need for it... My receipt is around THREE FEET LONG.... Worst part? I'm still missing a couple colors. 😭

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  • 119 weeks
    Wooooo!!! New update!!!

    SO!!! I finished chapter 6 a while ago, but I held off on posting Chapter 5 for MoaMC because I was afraid I'd reread it and either scrap it... or toss out a whole section or something silly/stupid like that!!! However, I've reread it a couple times, and I haven't done anything like that, so I added the author note and it's up! Woooooo!!!

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Wooooo!!! New update!!! · 6:25pm Jun 29th, 2022

SO!!! I finished chapter 6 a while ago, but I held off on posting Chapter 5 for MoaMC because I was afraid I'd reread it and either scrap it... or toss out a whole section or something silly/stupid like that!!! However, I've reread it a couple times, and I haven't done anything like that, so I added the author note and it's up! Woooooo!!!

That said, I don't anticipate a new update of MoaMC for awhile... As I state in the author note for chapter 5, working with Monkey while her head is still up her @$$ not in a good place is not an easy thing for me. However!!! To mitigate that loss, Jim, Syl and I - along with our newest Troll, Inis Ealga, and Honorary Trolls Sweet Harmony and Avellana - have been working on some new additions to the VirtueVerse! Both Harmony and Avellana are working on some individual stories for the setting, but they're also contributing to our group project!... You'll just have to wait to see what that is... And possibly wait a while, since we need Syl... and Syl managed to catch The Plague. Mercifully, he doesn't seem to be dealing with the Extended Edition of The Plague like I did, so he might be back to writing soon.

That said, Enjoy chapter 5!!!
Love & Light, my friends, and as always, stay safe!

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