Frantic Friday (Chapter 121 of Long Haul is out!) · 4:49am Jun 11th, 2022
Howdy there, all! Sorry for such a late post on this Friday night, but my schedule these last few days has had me running all over the place. However, I am home, and there is finally time now to do what should have been done last week if not for my derp-up. But you read the title correctly, the new chapter of Long Haul is finally up and out! Again, sorry for taking so long with it, but even if slowly, I will finish Night's story. Not promising a return to monthly chapters or anything, but as of tomorrow, I'll be hard at work on the next chapter!
Anyway, hopefully this short blog post will make up for the fact that I've taken so long, and you can just head on over and get to reading! As always, feel free to give me your thoughts in the comments and tell me what you think! For now, that's going to be all though, and I'll keep you all posted with my progress on the next chapter as I work on it! Until then, take care, enjoy the story, and all I'll see you all right back here next time.
Excellent! Thank you!