• Member Since 3rd Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen January 23rd

Gamma Deekay

More Blog Posts339

  • 87 weeks
    Some unfortunate news.

    Howdy there, everyone. It's been a while since I've given you all an update, and for that, I'm sorry. I wish I could say that things have been going well recently, and that I've got a new chapter for you all. However, I haven't really felt like writing. Unfortunately, my Father passed away unexpectedly recently, and between dealing with sorting his affairs, my family, and my own feelings,

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    6 comments · 429 views
  • 96 weeks
    Ten Years.

    Howdy there, everyone!

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    1 comments · 241 views
  • 107 weeks
    A long time coming! (Chapter 122 of Long Haul is out!)

    Howdy there, everypony! It's been quite the content drought here, but after rewriting the whole chapter three times, and various other reworks and cuts, the next chapter of Night's story is finally out! I know I say this every few chapters, but this one has some things I've been waiting to get into the story for literal years. Needless to say, with this chapter finally getting done, I'm

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    2 comments · 175 views
  • 109 weeks
    Happy 2023!

    Howdy all, and happy new year! Just thought I'd leave a quick update here on the first Friday of the year! No new chapter today due to some emergency holiday shenanigan's that took up quite a bit of my time and a week of being sick. However, the chapter IS almost done, so it'll be out maybe next week, or the week after at the latest! Hoping that this year I can keep the writing train rolling,

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  • 117 weeks
    Howdy out there

    Howdy there, it's been a while. Figured it was about time for an update, and while I don't have a chapter for you all today, I can report that I'm feeling better than I was. The weather has once again turned back to the cold and rain that the pacific northwest is reliable for, and the long break I've had has left me mostly refreshed. The writing has been slow, but I'm getting back to it more

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Frantic Friday (Chapter 121 of Long Haul is out!) · 4:49am Jun 11th, 2022

Howdy there, all! Sorry for such a late post on this Friday night, but my schedule these last few days has had me running all over the place. However, I am home, and there is finally time now to do what should have been done last week if not for my derp-up. But you read the title correctly, the new chapter of Long Haul is finally up and out! Again, sorry for taking so long with it, but even if slowly, I will finish Night's story. Not promising a return to monthly chapters or anything, but as of tomorrow, I'll be hard at work on the next chapter!

Anyway, hopefully this short blog post will make up for the fact that I've taken so long, and you can just head on over and get to reading! As always, feel free to give me your thoughts in the comments and tell me what you think! For now, that's going to be all though, and I'll keep you all posted with my progress on the next chapter as I work on it! Until then, take care, enjoy the story, and all I'll see you all right back here next time.

Report Gamma Deekay · 172 views ·
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Excellent! Thank you!

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