• Member Since 25th Jul, 2012
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  • TPretence
    Octavia doesn't quite believe in coincidences, so when she first meets the DJ known as Vinyl Scratch and notices the uncanny resemblance between her and the famous violinist Melodia Allegrezza, she is determined to find out what the connection is.
    Kapuchu · 63k words  ·  342  16 · 4.2k views

More Blog Posts84

  • 148 weeks
    My Pretence as a romance writer is at its end.

    Hello everybody.

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  • 285 weeks
    Pretence Hiatus

    Hello folks.

    You've probably noticed that there haven't been any new chapters for a while. I'd like to say I have some sort of reason for it like life-altering things or other somesuch, but the truth is that my drive to write has reached an all time low. At least for this story.

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  • 290 weeks
    Skeeter the Lurker needs your help

    One of the old Legends of this site. You know him. Signed comments and the persistent Aku avatar for most of the time he's been here.

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  • 301 weeks
    Someone in need of help

    Hey guys.

    This isn't a Pretence update, you can find a box of that on my profile. This is about someone I know who's in a pinch and needs a bit of help. Long story short, health problems that has morphed into financial struggles.
    I don't ask any of you to go and donate directly, simply share if you can, and donate if you want. Below is a link to his blog explaining it in more detail.

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  • 314 weeks
    I hate my wrists & Pretence News

    As some of my astute followers might have noticed, I am slow AF when it comes to uploading chapters.

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My Pretence as a romance writer is at its end. · 5:32pm Mar 13th, 2022

Hello everybody.

It has been... a few years. About 3 and a half, since I uploaded the last chapter of Pretence. I originally went on a bit of a hiatus back in 2016 due to a wrist injury that blew up, and uploaded a few chapters of Pretence, and a oneshot, since then. It never truly disappeared, and I still suffer from it today, thankfully to a slightly lesser degree than when it first came about.

However, the break from writing, and my subsequent attempts to get back into it, made me realise something: Writing a believable romance is hard. On top of that, my interest in the story slowly waned. I haven't written much for the last few years, partially out of guilt for not getting on with Pretence. But I do want to write, but I am just afraid this one story is not it, which brings me to the following: I am cancelling "Pretence."

It has been a long time coming, and I have been considering it for the last two years, during which I have just... not written. I do have one, unedited, chapter in a backlog, which I can upload for those who wish to read it. As for the rest, I will be linking a google document at the end of the chapter, which outlines what plans, twists and turns, I had in mind for the story.

To everyone who followed and read the story, who commented on it, gave feedback, and otherwise let their thoughts be known: Thank you. You made me look forward to every upload, and I hope I can maybe come back with a few interest oneshots in the future.

There is not a whole lot else to say. I've been mulling on this for ages, but I have made the choice to pull the trigger now. I made myself out to be a romance writer, but it seems that was only a pretence (heh).

Finally, I would like to thank Taranasaurus for all the help with editing I was given throughout the years. You did great, man! And I hope you're doing well, wherever you are!

Until next time, and thank you for sticking with it.

Comments ( 4 )

It may have been just a pretense, but it was enjoyable anyway :twilightsmile:

I get it! I loved your stories but you know what? It happens! You gotta do what ya love.

The story was very enjoyable for all it was. And while it will never be complete, I still enjoyed being able to read it.

Thank you for the kind words :pinkiesmile: And even if it'll never be finished, ´there are still the final notes at the end of the last chapter, if you want to see where I planned to take the story.

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