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[UPDATE] Unexpected catharsis is unexpected · 2:56am Mar 8th, 2022

So while I managed to get around the...not block ('cause I had plenty of material to write and was writing it, it just wasn't going anywhere) but...we'll call it a writer's logjam...and landed on the perfect narrative component for this chapter, it surfaced a rather painful incident from my childhood that...well, I'll let the story describe it, as I'm writing it down in the story now. It wound up serving as a fantastic segue into the major narrative plot of the next story arc for this book, so is perfect.

That said, it's heckin' painful to tell. Empire readers will recall when I was pushing myself to write the climax of the story I had to work through the mental trauma of being homeless and sustaining injury that combined to extreme depression with a side of suicidal ideation. Ch. 13 is fairly similar in that it covers a traumatic incident in my childhood that, while not as potentially lethal as the incident that inspired My Empire of Dirt, was nonetheless a very formative event in my life that still hits me hard to this day.

Oh, and fair warning, this chapter is a bit of a downer.

Report PrincessColumbia · 577 views · Story: Lost Little Wolf ·
Comments ( 4 )


I once gave this a thumbs up so if more chapters come up I’ll read; though I can’t scarcely recall this fic at all… :rainbowhuh:

Well then, perhaps as a bit of a pallet cleanser you should read my other currently active fic that I'm working on, Deviation, then come back to LLW and give it a re-read. :trollestia:

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Thanks for what you wrote. Sometimes I feel that we each live in our own worlds in our heads, and this kind of thing is a reminder of how different our experiences, and how wrong our assumptions about the lives around us, can be. Can't have empathy without understanding.

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