• Member Since 16th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 8th, 2022


When Star Trek and Ponies collide, there can only be Q!

More Blog Posts34

  • 140 weeks
    Rumors of my sudden demise have been greatly exaggerated . . .

    Hello, my friends!
    It's been a long time.

    I wrote my last story here back in 2014 when I went off to work on my first real novel.

    Well, it's been a decade now, and it's taken that long to understand the difference between telling a good story and telling a good story well.

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    3 comments · 182 views
  • 467 weeks
    Season Finale: Resistance is Futile

    I thought I'd give my take for the last episode of the season:

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    3 comments · 563 views
  • 475 weeks
    Tribblesprite IRL

    Oh God. Someone read my story and made a tribblesprite. We're all doomed!

    2 comments · 368 views
  • 498 weeks
    Look at me!

    I've just closed on a house just outside Baltimore. :yay: So any Marylanders nearby want to say hello, feel free.

    I also recently caught sight of this:

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    1 comments · 424 views
  • 503 weeks
    Welcome to the herd, Bill.

    Please welcome the newest member to the herd: The Great William Tiberius Shatner!

    1 comments · 390 views

Rumors of my sudden demise have been greatly exaggerated . . . · 4:11pm Mar 5th, 2022

Hello, my friends!
It's been a long time.

I wrote my last story here back in 2014 when I went off to work on my first real novel.

Well, it's been a decade now, and it's taken that long to understand the difference between telling a good story and telling a good story well.

To that end, I have at last completed that novel inspired by one of the stories I posted on this site. (That's right. My first book is secretly based on MLP! :trollestia:)

For those of you who've stuck around and continue to enjoy the stories produced on this site, I apologize for not getting more content to you all in that long duration. I'm not the best multitasker for different writing projects. (Unlike Brandon Sanderson, who pumped out 5 EXTRA books in two years because he was bored!)

I just wanted to thank you all for inspiring me to pursue my writing dreams to the fullest, and for those interested, you can find my first published novel on amazon. I'll avoid posting a direct link to amazon to avoid running afoul of the censors but you do have the power of google to find it if you'd like to see what became of my writing journey.

I also have a website: https://www.jasonabofsky.com you can check out if you'd like.
Thanks again and keep being the amazing community that you've always been. :yay::ajsmug::pinkiesmile::rainbowdetermined2::duck::twilightsmile:


ZoidbergIsBestPony aka Jason Abofsky

Comments ( 3 )

i am really hopping this is good news for all of us here??

Well now! Wonderful to hear from you after so long, especially that you've successfully filed off the serial numbers. I'll be sure to give the book a look. Thanks for touching base.

Welcome back, it's definately been a while.
Congratulations on finishing your novel, that's an impressive feat.

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