WOO WINGS! · 2:12am Feb 20th, 2012
I have recently discovered something. Racking my brain and attempting to figure out a decent story... Not for me. If your reading this? You have read, and most likely enjoyed (to some extent) The nature of the beast, for that? I thank you, if not for the commenting praise and fixes, I may have dropped it a lot quicker. I will be doing another human in equestria, and this time he wont be named kyle (I never realized how many people named their humans Kyle! Its nuts! At least mine got a name change but still!) This specific human, is going to be shipped to a very far corner of equestria. I'm almost certain the first place im putting him is going to be the zebra lands. Most of you think that's stupid, there is no reference in the shows to work from, and you know? I can appreciate that. And I will be doing my best to make every single chapter as wondrous as possible. It may involve cutting down my release times, (Remember the 7 chapters in one day thing? That was fun.) But I want to try to make my fiction as realistic as possible. (Odd choice of words.) And I want to make you feel some sort of connection. So, since this has been, by FAR the most boring day I have EVER had, since I started writing. Ill be starting on my first chapter tonight! Hopefully tomorrow sometime I may have something delicious and eye candy based for you all to enjoy. This ones gonna be full of adventure and weird charms! So keep an eye out! (Um...If you want to that is...)
Ill also be using the slower times to plan out each step according to how I feel it should go, so this one should get pretty long If I have anything to say about it.
Don't slow down..
Anteh awayyyy!
16753 Herpa...Derpa...Zebra. Sums it up pretty good!
This sounds awesome! I love uniqueness! Main character to be called: Arc! Out of all the names, I MAY, just MAY, guess it right! Hmmm... Bill, Rob, Bob? Anticipation... Fuck, I'm rambling again...
16762 Arc? DAMN! Thats an awesome name! I loved terringama! but no, its Vincent. Would you like to read the first chapter?