[MISC][FANFICTION FRIDAY] Big response! Much wow! Heckin' favs! · 5:47pm Feb 12th, 2022
So I woke up this morning to find my little fic Deviation went from struggling to stay ahead of the haters (majority downvotes on the story) to the most faves for a story in a 12 hour period since I first posted Double Trixie Trouble back in 2015!
I know this because when DTT and Lost Little Wolf (currently ahead in the FfF leaderboard as of this morning) were still receiving huge numbers of faves, I'd hit a post limiter that said, "You're not allowed to do that action anymore at this time."
I just hit that again this morning when posting out the achievements to my fans.
Just a reminder, if you haven't please go vote for the next MLP:FiM fic you want to see a new chapter on:
(clicky-clicky above to vote)
Also, this is the largest participation turnout on Fanfiction Friday...EVER! I love you guys!