Update! · 4:19pm Feb 9th, 2022
First: I want to apologize for the inactivity I involving myself in the site. My family got COVID-19 Omicron, and I was moving all of January, and doing a bit of soul searching. But I’m back, and continuing to try to pump content out.
Second: I’ve come to terms that the reason RWBY vs the Equestrian Grimm didn’t do so well was because I rushed the two chapters. I’m going to put it on a hiatus until I can come up with a plot for Chapter 3
Third: I need your opinion. Would this be something you would like to see cross the Truth Behind MLP series? This image was from a Discord chat. I was responding to someone about Marvel Studios’ Moon Knight Trailer. I will not change the name to my Discord name.
Other than that, I am fine. I just needed a break, and I will see you guys soon.