• Member Since 8th Oct, 2012
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Writer, blogger, saucy chat mom, occasional bitch. Hablo español. She/her/ella.

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New Owl House Fanfic Live on Offprint · 9:04pm Dec 9th, 2021

Heyo folks,

So it’s sorta accidentally been a bit since I’ve written anything, kinda fell off the wagon for a while there. The reason for that recently was that I’ve been between projects that were all that appealing to me, just sorta flitting back and forth between things that weren’t really holding my interest, which I thankfully seem to be coming out of right now, as I’ve got a project I’m excited for that I’m starting, but also was due to some editing stuff stalling out on a story I wrote a while ago. The stalling out on that has been resolved, though, which means that the story, which was drafted a few months ago, is now live. It’s an Owl House fanfic directly following the events of Yesterday’s Lie, the mid-season finale:

Today’s Truth is now live on Offprint.net exclusively for a week like all my new stories. I’ve been posting to Offprint for a while, and if the name is new to you or you’re unsure why things are going there first from me, I wrote this blog to answer those questions. The site’s features are starting to come along more and more, though it’s still in closed alpha, so feel free to drop a comment on this blog if you’re not interested in joining in over there. Plus next week, I’ll crosspost the story to AO3 where you can feel free to read and engage with it over there, will pop in to drop a link once it’s live.

This was a fun one to write, as it was a pretty sharp, short idea that I think hit the notes I was going for with it. I am very excited for the rest of season 2 to come out, which has unfortunately damaged a bit of my interest in writing TOH fanfic until then, partially because I just wanna see where canon goes with it, but also because I foresee starting in on a bigger project, having that project kiboshed whole or in part by canon while I’m still drafting it, then losing motivation. I’m fine if stuff I wrote and published before a season starts or restarts gets rendered non-canon after the fact, but it’s hard for me to keep working on something that isn’t published yet and doesn’t fit in with canon, but isn’t so different from canon that it feels like it can stand up as an AU. Just not really my style as a writer.

That’s a big reason why writing’s dried up for me as of late, as TOH has been a huge motivation source for me recently that I’ve been reluctant to work on, while other fandoms have been feeling lackluster to me and the original fiction projects I’ve been poking at involve heavy amounts of rewriting stuff that I’m not feeling right now. But that leads to the new project, which is once again original fiction, but this time for a story I haven’t attempted to tell before, and it feels like something fresh to write is just what I’m looking for

So that’s what’s on the docket for me right now, which means it might be a while before I’m back with anything to share, especially anything fanficcy, but that might change if inspiration strikes, it tends to do that at the least opportune moments.

That’s all I got to share today, TTFN.

Edit: Today's Truth is now live on AO3!

Comments ( 2 )

Arrgh, I still haven't gotten all the way through the last season yet, and now I have reading? Thankfully, winter gives me an excuse not to do wife-chores in the yard.

hehe, well the show's well worth getting caught up on imo, definitely my favorite thing on tv right now. This story isn't going anywhere, so take your time, lol.

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