My Review of Samurai Jack · 10:41pm Nov 24th, 2021
My TV Show Rating Score:
5/5: It is an awesome show!
4/5: It’s a good show with minor flaws
3/5: It’s overall okay/guilty pleasure
2/5: It’s bad but not awful
1/5: Look, up in the sky! It’s super bad!
Greetings to all my friends! This is Mr. J back with another show review for today! This evening, I will be reviewing yet another legendary series from Cartoon Network by the name of Samurai Jack per the request of A Man Undercover . This is yet another one of my favorite cartoons of all time and one of the shows I’ve enjoyed as a kid. However, before binge-watching the whole series a couple months ago, I barely remembered this show and only remembered a few episodes from seasons 1-2 since I somehow stopped watching it back when I was a pre-teen. Many years later, I was able to fully watch the series in chronological order in order to get the story as well as re-watch the very episodes I haven’t watched in a long time.
Now that I have a full recollection and first-time experience in watching the whole show—including season 5—I still think this is one of the best shows that has ever existed on television. It has solid character growth, fluid action, a compelling story, and splendid animation and choreography. Before I go further, please allow a peculiar acquaintance to summarize what this series is about. Take it away!
Long ago in a distant land, I, Aku the shape-shifting Master of Darkness, unleashed an unspeakable evil! But the foolish samurai warrior, wielding a magic sword, stepped forth to oppose me. *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* Before the final blow was struck, I tore open a portal of time and flung him into the future where my evil is law. Now the fool seeks to return to the past and undo the future that is Aku!
Thank you. So we see here that our main protagonist hero went through a daring, dangerous, yet intriguing adventure that brought him to many strange places. But not only has he encountered many enemies but he has also made many friends and saved their lives from Aku’s evil. He had to learn so many lessons in his journey; he had to learn patience, wisdom, self-control, and much more in order to overcome any obstacle that stood in his way.
This is what I just love about Jack. He isn’t some overpowered main character; he is a character with flaws who made mistakes and learned from them. Thus, he became better and better as the series went on. Oh man, I may need to update my top ten favorite hero list and add this guy there if I hadn’t done so before. In my opinion, this is the best and most memorable animated performance Phil LaMarr has ever done. His voice for Jack is full of calmness, wisdom, gentleness, and bravery. Top-notch voice acting, if I say so myself.
What I found to be particularly unique about this show is the careful use of visual storytelling. The vast majority of the episodes rely heavily on visual storytelling with little to no dialogue and only utilizes dialogue when necessary. I think this series did a great job in carrying out both showing and telling. It is both visually appealing, enrapturing, and wonderful at the same time.
I likewise enjoyed the performance of the original voice actor for Aku: Mako. He did a fantastic job in giving that sinister, sly, evil voice for the Master of Darkness and making him a three-dimensional villain with excellent personality and a dark sense of humor. May Mako continue to rest peacefully, for his voice will live on.
The other villains were great as well, namely Demongo (voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson) and Scaramouche (voiced by Tom Kenny). Fantastic villains voiced by highly talented men.
Now as far as season 5 is concerned, it was obviously a revival for the series to officially conclude the show. But it has a much darker and violent tone than the first four seasons which lets viewers know that the stakes are much higher than before and it’s no more playing around. Dear goodness, it delivered very well and exceeded my expectations. Jack has managed to survive for fifty years without evening aging and without his sword until he finally managed to complete his quest with Ashi (voiced by Tara Strong) by his side and finally was given his sword back after overcoming his inner demon.
I love the final season except for the ending in the final episode. I was really hoping that she would live to be with Jack after the death of her father Aku, but alas, without him, she ceased to exist. I felt that it downplayed the lesson that she is her own person and shouldn’t allow the wicked judgment of her parents (especially the High Priestess) to lead her in the wrong path. I wished that the evil Essence of Aku would flow out of her for good so that she can truly be herself like what Jack told her before. It was just disappointing to see her go out like that.
But anyway, I still enjoyed the voice performances and the slightly improved animation. Phil LaMarr didn’t lose his touch, Greg Baldwin was a wonderful replacement and voice for Aku, Tara Strong was amazing as Ashi, and Tom Kenny was hilarious as Scaramouche.
Overall, this series is one of the best of all time and deserves a 5/5: EXTRA THICK!!
Great review! Hey, do you think you could review Avatar: the Last Airbender? That show is a masterpiece.
Excellent review, my friend. I’m so happy that you enjoyed “Samurai Jack”, and it truly made my day to see your analysis on the program. And I agree with everything you just said about it, “Samurai Jack” is truly a masterpiece to behold in every way.
I’m not a fan of that show, so no.
Well, never saw the whole show and Samurai Jack is not my favorite cartoon out there. But man Samurai Jack is one of the best cartoons I ever watch. So yeah 5/5 for this masterpiece
The above game offers an alt ending if you still wish for Ashi to remain with Jack.
It’s funny that he’d request that, really.
Before this analysis came, I too thought about requesting you to review “Avatar: The Last Airbender”. But, I respect your decision to not do so.
In retrospect, I’m surprised that you’re not a fan of the show.
I never watched this show, mainly because I didn´t watch CN as a kid (please don´t kill me). But I do think it´s a good show from the peeks I watched.
Oh really? Well, that´s ok. I was going to mention it because of Mako. The acting range of that man. He can do an evil and maniacal overlord spirit but also an adorable but wise uncle. May he rest in peace.
Personally, I don’t consider the alternate ending canon even despite the involvements of Genndy Tartakovsky and Darrick Bachman.